Angel discovers the only remaining member of five ancient evil fighters working in Wolfram & Hart, while researching an Aztec warrior named Tezcatcatl. We are shown this man’s life through a series of flashbacks which tell the tale of ‘The Luchadors’, a family of Mexican wrestlers which helped the helpless until one day they were slain by Tezcatcatl. In the present day, Angel tries to help the last member discover the hero inside which he lost when his family were killed.
Spike: Are you serious? Here you are, finally living a piece of the high life--new clothes, new cars, my old tumble fetching you tasty snacks--and what's your gripe? "I feel disconnected."
Behind the Scenes Trivia
Cast and Crew Trivia

Danny Mora
Danny Mora, who played Number 5, Wolfram & Hart’s masked mailman, has also appeared in Commander in Chief, JAG, ER, George Lopez, Coronado, Dharma & Greg, Beverly Hills, 90210, Living Single, Mad About You, The Cellar, The A-Team, Mr. Mom, Star of the Family, Hill Street Blues, Chico and the Man and Police Story. As a writer Danny earned his union card on staff at the classic sitcom Laverne and Shirley. A founding member of the WGA‘s Latino Writers Committee, the executive producer of the first televised productions of The Golden Eagle Awards, he is now a contributing writer for Latin Heat magazine. Danny runs popular SitCom workshops and seminars at the annual LEMI conference
Character Trivia

Number 5
Number 5 was Wolfram & Hart’s masked mailman, seen first in Conviction. His story was told in The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco, in which Angel discovered he was the llast living brother of the Mexican wrestlers ‘Los Hermanos Numeros’ (meaning Number Brothers). The close-knit brothers fought against crime and demons to help the helpless. They were considered heroes amongst the Mexican community, and were respected and adored. Number 5’s brothers were killed by an Aztec Warrior known as Tezcatcatl, who stole the hearts of heroes. No w alone, he tried to continue the good work of his brothers but people soon stopped calling for his help. He was approached by Holland Manners to join W&H, and took the job despite knowing that W&H stood for everything he and his brothers despised. Each year he prepared a shrine to his brothers yet they never came to him, leaving him feeling unworthy. After years of waiting Number Five decided to fool the returning Aztec Warrior into killing him so he may join his brothers. He fought along side Angel against the Warrior but received a fatal blow. His brothers returned from the dead to once again fight against evil this time with the help of Angel. after defeating the beast the heroes returned to their grave with Number 5.
Horse wishing
In The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco, Spike says to Angel, “If wishes were horses…” In Not Fade Away, after Illyria says, “I wish to do more violence”, Spike says, “Well, wishes just happen to be horses today”.
Return of Holland
According to the business card given to Number 5 in The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco, the lawyer who approached him was Holland Manners, seen in Angel’s season 2.
Walnut heart
In The Cautionary Tale Of Numero Cinco, Number 5 calls Angel’s heart a “dried-up walnut of a dead thing”. When Fred dissects Angel in his dream in Soul Purpose, she finds his heart and says, “Hey! What do you know? It is a dried-up little walnut.”
Music Trivia
The main musical theme of the episode The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco is “Guero Canelo” by Calexico.
Mythology Trivia
Agatha Christie
Spike references famous crime novelist Agatha Christie in The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco when he says, “Doesn’t leave much to do other than watching blokes stumble around playing Agatha Christie.”

Wonder Woman
In Bring on the Night, Xander and Andrew compare the school basement to issues 297-299 of the Wonder Woman comic ‘Catacombs’. Joss Whedon has been chosen to direct the 2006 movie version of Wonder Woman.
Cordelia’s birthday cake in the episode Birthday is decorated with an image of Wonder Woman. Charisma Carpenter, who plays Cordelia, has openly said she would like to star in Joss Whedon’s movie version of Wonder Woman.
In The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco, Lorne says to Fred, “Oh, you’re all woman. You’re everywoman. You’re Wonder Woman!”
Lorne: Fred, you’re sorta like a woman.
Fred: That’s not a compliment.
Angel: We're trying to kill it, not pin it...
Spike: Can't smoke, drink, diddle my willy. Doesn't leave much to do other than watching you blokes stumble around playing Agatha Christie.
Five: What can I say about a demon who killed the people that mattered most to me?
Angel: You can start by saying how you killed it back.
Five: You were going to drag me into your quest to find the Aztec warrior.
Angel: No I wasn't! I was going to give you some mail.
Five: Oh--sorry.
Angel: I really hate this place!
Angel: The reason why I know this Aztec demon is not eating the hearts of heroes is... He didn't take mine. Am I honestly supposed to believe that it had no problem sticking a sword in my stomach but then decided, "Oh wait, his heart's not heroic enough?" Ha! I don't think so.
Gunn: As meat goes, your heart's a dried-up hunk of gnarly-ass beef jerky.
Spike: Yes. The geriatric community will be soiling their nappies when they hear you're on the case. Bravo.
Spike: Are you serious? Here you are, finally living a piece of the high life--new clothes, new cars, my old tumble fetching you tasty snacks--and what's your gripe? "I feel disconnected."
Wesley: Remind me again how you ended up in the front seat?
Spike: I called shotgun.
Wesley: Oh. I thought we were doing a weapons check.