Angel and the group are still getting used to their ownership of Wolfram & Hart when one of their clients threatens to kill all of L.A. if they cannot get him acquitted in court. Meanwhile, the Senior Partners’ liaison, Eve, introduces herself, Harmony becomes Angel’s secretary, the Senior Partners grant Gunn new talents, and a mysterious envelope has been delivered.
Harmony: Now, before you go threatening to fire me...
Angel: I threatened to kill you.
Behind the Scenes Trivia
Whedon’s actors
Five actors have appeared in all three of Joss’s TV shows:
1) Andy Umberger: played D’Hoffryn in Buffy; Dr. Ronald Meltzer in the Angel episode ‘I Fall To Pieces‘; and Dortmunder Captain in the Firefly episode ‘Serenity’.
2) Carlos Jacott: played Ken in the Buffy episode Anne; Lawrence Dobson in the Firefly episode ‘Serenity’; and Richard in the Angel episode ‘The Bachelor Party‘.
3) Bob Fimaini: played the head of the Initiative, Mr. Ward, in Buffy’s season four; ‘Elder Gamman’ in the Firefly episode ‘Our Mrs. Reynolds’; ‘Grounds Keeper’ in the Angel episode ‘The Prodigal‘, and ‘Codger Demon’ in the Angel episode ‘Heartthrob‘.
4) Jonathan Woodward: played Holden Webster in the Buffy episode Conversations with Dead People; Knox in Angel’s season five; and Tracey in the Firefly episode ‘The Message’.
5) Jeff Ricketts: played Watcher’s Council member Weatherby in Buffy and Angel, and a creepy ‘Blue Glove’ guy in Firefly.
Cast and Crew Trivia

Jonathan M. Woodward
Jonathan M. Woodward played Holden Webster in Conversations with Dead People, Knox in Angel and Tracey in Joss Whedon’s space Western Firefly, in the episode ‘The Message’. Jonathan made his movie debut playing a doctor in the TV movie Wit. Whilst filming, Emma Thompson (who played a cancer patient in the movie) apparently bared her backside on the opening day of filming to help Jonathan, her co-star, relax. He’s also been in Diagnosis Murder and Pipe Dream.
Character Trivia

Eve was the liaison between the Senior Partners and Angel when he went to Wolfram & Hart. The gang quickly learned to distrust her, and were proved right when they discovered she and Angel’s old nemesis, Lindsey McDonald, were secretly together. Eve and Lindsey worked against the Senior Partners, and created problems for Angel.
After Lindsey’s plan failed and he was sucked into another dimension, Eve went into hiding. The Senior Partners found Eve and sent Hamilton, their new liaison, to find her. Hamilton forced her to sign over her position and immortality. Everything seemed to be going well for Eve when she was reunited with Lindsey, but he agreed to help Angel in his final mission, and was shot and killed by Lorne. As Wolfram & Hart began to collapse under the Partner’s wrath, Eve remained in the building, succumbing to her fate.
Just Rewards
In the Angel season five episode ‘Conviction‘, Angel is sent the amulet which destroyed Sunnydale and Spike emerges from it. In ‘Just Rewards‘, we see a flashback to Spike’s death scene from Chosen. One of the first things that Spike asks Angel, after coming out from the amulet, is where and how Buffy is.
Otter blood
In Conviction, Harmony gives Angel some blood saying, “Pretty good, right? The extra ingredient is otter.” Later, in the episode Destiny, after becoming corporeal, Spike drinks Angel’s blood saying, “Oh, God. It’s bloody ambrosia. Is this otter?”
Music Trivia
Mythology Trivia

Cleansing Amulet
The amulet given to Buffy by Angel in Chosen proves very useful to the Slayer but we don’t have much information on it. We know it has ‘cleansing’ power, and eventually cleans out all evil from the Hellmouth, causing Sunnydale to fall in on itself. Angel got the amulet from Lilah in the Angel episode ‘Home’.
When Spike becomes alive again in the Angel season five episode ‘Conviction‘, he emerges from the amulet he wore in Chosen, which was sent mysteriously back to Angel. When he opens the package the amulet falls out and Spike materializes from it, very painfully, sort of the reverse of how burned.
In the Angel epiode ‘Not Fade Away‘, when Angel is giving everyone their orders about who they are going to kill Spike tells him: “First off, I’m not wearing any amulets. No bracelets, broaches, beads, pendants, pins, or rings.”
Dixie Chicks
Fred hangs a poster of the Dixie Chicks in her lab in Conviction (we see the poster again in Shells). Fred also tells Harmony in Harm’s Way, “Anyway, if you want to hang out again sometime, we could grab some wine, jam to the Dixie Chicks.” The Dixie Chicks are a Dallas-based all-female country music trio, with hit songs such as “Wide Open Spaces”, “Cowboy Take Me Away”, and “Long Time Gone“. They became known for their outspoken views, particularly when member Natalie Maines’ made a public criticism of President George W. Bush on the eve of the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
Angel: What? I'm not allowed to hit people?
Wesley: Not people capable of genocide.
Angel: Those are exactly the types of people I should be allowed to hit!
Angel: You're my secretary!?
Harmony: Er Hello! Assistant!
Angel: Explain why I shouldn't kill you.
Harmony: Secretary is fine.
Hauser: You pathetic little fairy!
Angel: I'm not little.
Voice Mail: You have reached Ritual Sacrifice. For goats, please press '1' or say 'goats'. To sacrifice a loved one or pet, press the pound key.
Wesley: That's a powerful position for a young woman.
Eve: How exactly can you be sure I'm either of those things?
Wesley: So Knox, how long have you been... erm... evil?
W&H Employee: I need you to initial here concerning your immortal soul.
Harmony: Creatures of the night... unite?
Knox: He was fired... Oh, I'm sorry he was SET on fire.
Corbin Fries: Buttmunch here got his law degree at dog school!
Lorne: Yes, that carpet is good because we WANT our clients to get dizzy and throw up.
Angel: You turned evil a lot faster then I thought you would.
Wesley: Spike?
Angel: Spike!?
Harmony: Blondie Bear?
Spanky: I don't spank men. It's not a judgement, men have fine firm asses. If you've been to the website you'll know how much I work on mine.
Angel: So it turns out with this new deal and all, I own a helicopter.
Angel: News Flash. You're not cute when I'm angry.
Harmony: Now, before you go threatening to fire me...
Angel: I threatened to kill you.
Angel: Do you know what I'm doing now? Not using my windpipe.
Angel: And there's something else you should know about me. I have no problem spanking men.
Wesley: Your run-on sentences have got a lot less pointless.
Fred: That's so sweet! And, a tad condescending.
Fries: I say the magic word, the only people left standin' are gonna be the ones that are already dead.
Harmony: That's a relief. I mean, 'Hey!'
Wesley: Feng Shui.
Gunn: What's that mean again?
Wesley: That people will believe anything.
Wesley: Don't you think it's a bit unseemly adding "Y"s to the end of people's names?
Gunn: Does that mean I have to call you "Wessle"?