When another mysterious package arrives at Wolfram & Hart that recorporealizes Spike, the gang learns that the existence of two living ensouled vampire heroes has created chaos in the world. After Eve tells them about a prophecy that states that the only way to restore order is to find the Cup of Perpetual Torment that bestows human life, Angel and Spike battle it out for the ultimate prize. A series of flashbacks show the history of Angel and Spike and their relationship with Drusilla.
Spike: You had a soul forced on you, as a curse, make you suffer for all the horrible things you'd done. But me, I fought for my soul. Went through the demon trials. Almost did me in a dozen times over, but I kept fighting 'cause I knew it was the right thing to do. It's my destiny.
Angel: Really? Heard it was just to into a girl's pants.
Behind the Scenes Trivia
End credits
Cast listings in the closing credits in TV shows are usually reserved only for background characters with unimportant parts, or those with no speaking roles, but occasionally main characters are listed there when their appearance is to be a surprise. Examples of this in the Buffyverse are in Two To Go, in which Giles makes a dramatic entrance at the end of the episode; the Angel episode Judgement, in which Faith (Eliza Dushku) is visited by Angel; and There’s No Place Like Plrtz Glrb, in which Willow appears at at the very end of the episode. In Destiny, Christian Kane’s name was omitted from the opening credits to make his character Lindey’s arrival a surprise.
No Alexis
According to the DVD commentary for Angel’s Destiny, Alexis Denisof (Wesley) did not appear in the episode because he was getting married to Alyson Hannigan.
Cast and Crew Trivia
Character Trivia
The Angel episode Destiny is a sequel to the Buffy episode Lies My Parenmts Told Me, in which we see Spike being sired by Drusilla. In Destiny, we see a flashback to Spike’s first meeting with Angelus. Back in present time, Spike references the events seen in Lies My Parents Told Me when he says, “Yeah, right. Boo-hoo. Thought he killed his bloody father.Try staking your mother when she’s coming on to you!”
Master’s pet
In a flashback to 1880 in Destiny, Angelus says to Drusilla, “Darla and I had a little spat. Her precious master sent for her. You know Darla. Master’s pet.” He’s referring to The Master, who was Darla’s sire.
Otter blood
In Conviction, Harmony gives Angel some blood saying, “Pretty good, right? The extra ingredient is otter.” Later, in the episode Destiny, after becoming corporeal, Spike drinks Angel’s blood saying, “Oh, God. It’s bloody ambrosia. Is this otter?”
Music Trivia
Mythology Trivia

Shanshu Prophecy
For reasons unknown, even to himself, Angel stole the Scrolls of Aberjian whilst in Wolfram & Hart and gave it to Wesley to translate. Wesley discovered in To Shanshu in L.A that the scrolls contained a prophecy about a vampire with a soul who would be restored to a human, after fulfilling his destiny.
The Shanshu prophecy tells that the vampires will play a major role in the Apocalypse. Wesley realises that “Shanshu” means both to live and to die - so the vampire will become human and, as all mortals, eventually die. The trials the vampire would have to endure are unclear, but they would clearly be hard and numerous. No indication of time was given to the prophecy, but it filled Angel with a new hope that he would be redeemed.
Wesley: “Ah, the vampire with a soul, once he fulfills his destiny, will Shanshu. Become human. - It’s his reward.”
Cordy: “Wow. Angel a human.”
Angel: “That’ll be nice.”
This hope remained with Angel until the fifith season, when he began to doubt himself. Having taken over the L.A. branch of Wolfram & Hart, another vampire with a soul suddenly comes on the scene - his old nemesis, Spike. Spike had fought to regain his soul and had died saving the world, making Angel jealous on a basic level, and deeper, feeling the prophecy may in fact regard Spike. Spike was first told about the prophecy in Hellbound. Angel acted disinterested in the prophecy, but it was revealed that it would be the vampire who drinks from the Cup of Perpetual Torment that will become human. After a race to the cup, and a huge fight, Angel was defeated by Spike, who drank from the cup, only to discover that the story was a hoax.
Angel began to lose his way, but was finally put back on track by Cordelia, seemingly ressurected, who gave him a final vision, showing him the Circle of the Black Thorn, agents of the Senior Partners. Deciding to perform what would most likely be a suicide mission, Angel and his team assassinated each member of the Circle, thereby delaying the Apocalypse for an untold amount of time. In order to learn of the identities of the Circle members however, Angel had to infiltrate the group. To prove his loyalty, Angel was forced to sign his name, with his own blood, on the Shanshu Prophecy, thereby revoking his part in it.
Spike: “What do you think all this means for that Shanshu boogaboo? If we make it through this, does one of us get to be a real boy?”
Angel “Who are you kiddin’. We’re not gonna make it through.”
Mountain Dew
When Spike drinks from the Cup of Perperual Torment in Destiny, he realises the drink is actually Mountain Dew, a caffeinated, sweet citrus-flavored soft drink produced by PepsiCo, Inc.
Drusilla: Look what I made. It's called Willy.
Spike: William.
Angel: You took my Viper.
Spike: My Viper now, mate. Possession's nine-tenths. Oughta know that, runnin' a law firm and such.
Spike: Drusilla may have sired me but you made me a monster.
Gunn: Elevator just opened up into a howling abyss. You ever heard a howling abyss? Terrible sound.
Angel: That's why Buffy never really loved you, because you weren't me.
Spike: Saved the world, didn't I?
Angel: Once. Talk to me after you've done it a couple more times.
Spike: You had a soul forced on you, as a curse, make you suffer for all the horrible things you'd done. But me, I fought for my soul. Went through the demon trials. Almost did me in a dozen times over, but I kept fighting 'cause I knew it was the right thing to do. It's my destiny.
Angel: Really? Heard it was just to into a girl's pants.
Spike: Yeah, right. Boo-hoo. Thought he killed his bloody father. Try staking your mother when she's coming on to you!
Harmony: Well, that explains a lot.
Angelus: You know Darla, Master's pet.