First Evil


The first, original evil had no physical shape, but could take on the form of dead people, including those who had been dead, such as Buffy. It couldn’t touch anything so couldn’t be fought physically, but it’s power lay in the way it could take on a form and persuade people to do what it wanted. The First came to Sunnydale in Amends to persuade Angel to kill Buffy. He was so horrified that he tried to kill himself, but was saved by Buffy and a handy snowfall.
The First was able to enter this dimension due to a fault in the Slayer line, which Anya worked out in Showtime must have been when the Scoobies brought Buffy back to life in season six. It began to torment the Scoobies with visions of dead people, and Buffy realised in Never Leave Me what she was facing. The First’s plan was to build up an army of Turok-Han, who would kill humans and when the balance had shifted the First could then take on a physical form and rule the world. Buffy defeated the First’s army by giving all potential Slayers their power, and using an amulet given to her by Angel. This destroyed Sunnydale in the process, but not the First which can never be killed.

Played by: Various Cast Members
Appeared in: Amends, Lessons, Conversations with Dead People, Sleeper, Bring on the Night, Showtime, Potential, The Killer in Me, First Date, Get It Done, Storyteller, Lies My Parents Told Me, Dirty Girls, Empty Places, Touched, End of Days, Chosen
Related Trivia:
  • Evil search
  • Evil Dead
  • Evil after sex
  • Evil Willow
  • Evil twin
  • Devouring evil
  • Evil government scientist
  • Forrest Gump
  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 6th September 2004
    Updated: › 27th October, 2005
    Hits: › 1811  

    7 Comments about “First Evil”

    1. Saintsaucey says:

      I just watched amends and Jenny touches Angel several times while at the mansion. She also touches Giles at his apartment

    2. Nuke67 says:

      Amazing how tough that first turok-han was, yet by Chosen everyone and their brother was killing them, so it made that army of turok-han as big a joke as the first evil turned out to be by season 7’s end.

      Just one of many problems with season 7 and it’s plot holes and storylines that went nowhere or made no sense by the next episode.

    3. Smash says:

      I sort of figured that since the First touched him, but didn’t actually pick anything up or handle anything, it may just have appeared to be touching him. I may be twisting things so they make sense, but I choose to think that they can get away with it.

      And just for the sake of saying it, I loved season seven and I thought the First Evil was a just dandy Big Bad. I know I’m in the minority there, but all things Buffy are wonderful in my book.

    4. Abby M. says:

      I loved season 7 as well (not my favorite granted, but I’ve been rewatching it and so it’s growing on me). To make the big bad something they couldn’t defeat was pretty cool.

      Anyway, I always thought the First wanted Buffy dead, really badly (knowing she was a strong slayer with the help from her friends and family). And it knew that Angel was quite possibly the only thing strong enough and closs enough to her to kill her. So, it brought him back, tried to tempt him with sleeping with Buffy and if things would have gone the way it liked, he would have gone evil and he would have killed Buffy. Just a theory…

    5. MagicBone says:

      In the part (can’t remember what episode) when Caleb and The First ‘merge,’ does that mean that The First can’t be anywhere else, in its incorporeal form?

      Also, I am watching Dirty Girls right now and it’s the end after Caleb squishes Xander’s eye, : ( , I love how Spike saves him. Spike saves Xander. I love that.

    6. cjreidy says:

      What I don’t understand is this: The first was able to enter the Buffy dimension because of a fault in the Slayer line i.e. Buffy’s ressurection. Then how did the First enter the story in season three? Does it have something to do with Prophecy Girl, and the fact that Buffy died briefly at that point?

    7. Comfortador says:

      Since they delt with the First way back in season 3, shouldn’t they (Giles, the Watcher’s Council etc.) have been able to gather more info on it by season 7? I had more research for my high school science project (tomato- fruit or veggie?) than Giles was able to steal from the Council. Out of sight out of mind I guess.

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