The First convinces Chloe to hang herself, making Buffy angry. Principal Wood gives Buffy a bag of Slayer items that used to belong to his mother, and which should have been handed down through the generations of Slayers. Inside, the gang find a puppet show, which opens a portal. Buffy jumps in and finds herself in a strange land where she meets three men who tell her more about how the first Slayer was made. They offer her more power but she won’t accept it as the power comes from a demon. The shadowmen show her a vision of a massive army of Turok-Han then send her back to Sunnydale, knowing what she must fight.
Airdate: | 18 February 2003 |
Writer: | Doug Petrie |
Director: | Doug Petrie |
Cast: |
Buffy: "The first is coming and what have I got? A bunch of fighters with nothing to hit... a wicca that wonta and the brains of our outfit wears oven mitts."
Behind the Scenes Trivia

Natural sheen
The following line was deleted from the episode Get It Done:
Andrew: “Welcome to our perfectly typical American household where nothing unusual happens.”
An exchange between Spike and Wood was also cut from the episode:
Spike: “What are you spilling next, that I bleach my hair?”
Wood: “But it has such a natural sheen.”
Cast and Crew Trivia
Daniel Wilson
Daniel Wilson, who played one of the Shadowmen in Get It Done, has also been in Almost Famous, River Street, Bloodfist and Wait Until Spring and Bandini.
Karara Muhoro
Karara Muhoro, who played one of the Shadowmen in Get It Done, appeared in Phone Booth and Congo.

Lalaine played potential Slayer Chloe in season seven. She is most recognisable as Miranda Sanchez in Lizzie Maguire. Her full name is Lalaine Veraga-Paras. Lalaine played “Little Cosette/Eponine” in the National Touring Company’s Les Miserables. She provided some voices for the movies Babe and Babe: Pig in the City (which was referenced in Never Leave Me).
Lalaine has written and released two singles: ‘Joyride’ and ‘Haunted’ and has released an album called Haunted.
Sharon Ferguson
Sharon Ferguson, who played the First Slayer in Restless, Intervention and Get It Done, appeared as a skater in Austin Powers in Goldmember (alongside Seth Green, who played Buffy’s Oz) and as a hooker/dancer in Malcolm X.
Character Trivia

Chloe was a very young, dark-haired potential, first seen in Showtime. Kennedy shouted at her when she couldn’t keep up with the other potential’s training. Chloe hung herself in Get It Done when the First’s plan got too much for her.

First Slayer
The First Slayer was a primal Aboriginal woman who was made into a Slayer by the Shadowmen. Her purpose was to defend man from demons. In Restless, the First Slayer’s spirit tried to kill Xander, Willow, Giles and Buffy in their sleep, because the enjoining spell that they performed in Primeval was an affront to her. In Intervention she became Buffy’s guide during her Vision Quest and told her death was her gift. The First Slayer came to Buffy in a dream in Get It Done and told her, “It’s not enough”.
Anya attack
Anya is attacked by D’Hoffryn’s demons in Him and Get It Done, because she chose to leave D’Hoffryn’s group of vengeance demons and become human again in Selfless.

Back to the dreams
There are a few references to the season four finale Restless in Get It Done: The bag that Principal Wood gives Buffy is the same one from her dream from which she gets mud to cover her face with; When Buffy dreams that she wakes up, she sees the first Slayer chained to the ceiling. In Get It Done we learn that the Shadowmen chained the first Slayer to the ground while they invoked a demon’s spirit into her; In Restless, Buffy tells Adam “We’re not demons.” In Get It Done she discovers that the first Slayer was made using the heart of a demon; Buffy also goes to the same desert in Restless, also seen in Intervention.
Coat tales
In Get It Done, Spike wears his old black leather coat to chase a demon. Principal Wood recognises the coat as his mother’s. We saw Spike steal the coat from Nikki Wood in Fool For Love.

In the season four episode Where the Wild Things Are, Spike and Anya talked about getting revenge on Drusilla and Xander. They also bonded over the loss of their respective powers. They abandoned the ‘revenge’ idea and instead Anya took Spike to a party. Spike “comforted” Anya again in Entropy after her break-up with Xander. They mention the event again in Sleeper and Get It Done.

Cooler than Snyder
In Get It Done, Willow says that Principal Wood is, “So much cooler than Snyder.” She means the last Principal of Sunnydale High, who openly hated his job and was equally hated by his students.

In Get It Done, Buffy buries Chloe’s body next to that of Annabelle and later tells the potentials, “I’ll find room for you next to her and Annabelle. I’m the Slayer. The one with the power. And The First has me using that power to dig our graves.” Annabelle was killed in Bring on the Night when she panicked and tried to run away.

Semi-annual percolation
In Get It Done, Buffy says, “The hellmouth has begun its semi-annual percolation. Usually, it blows around May.” This is a reference to the fact that the season finale, usually associated with the hellmouth, is always shown in May in America.
Slayage alternatives
Buffy shows some ingenious ways of killing demons, and the gang have some great suggestions too. Here’s a list of alternative ways of killing, seen or mentioned on the show:
- Hummus and Ebola: In Graduation Day (Part 2), Oz suggests, “We attack the Mayor with hummus.” Cordelia later suggests, “No, we’ll get a box with the Ebola virus and… or it doesn’t even have to be real. We can just get a box that says Ebola on it and… chase him! … With the box!”
- Drowning and licking: In Something Blue, When Spike’s in the bath-tub at Giles’ apartment, he yells, “Passions is on! Timmy’s down the bloody well, and if you make me miss it, I’ll…” Giles yells back at him “You’ll do what? Lick me to death?” In the same episode, Anya and Xander drown a Pargo demon to kill it (the only way, apparently).
- Nuzzling: In Buffy vs Dracula, Riley says to Giles about his being found with Dracula’s ladies: “You were gonna nuzzle ‘em to death?”
- Rocket launcher: In Him, Buffy attempts to kill Principal Wood with a rocket launcher, something she killed the Judge with in Innocence.
- Puppets: In Get It Done, Xander says, “Puppets! That’s it. The First hates puppets. Now if we can just airlift Kermit, Fozzy the Bear and Miss Piggy into town, The First will be a-runnin’.”
Unique… well…
In Get It Done, Spike refers to himself and his souled condition as “unique” before pausing and stating, “Well, more or less.” This is a clear reference to the original souled vampire of the Buffy mythos: Angel.
What Spike does best
In Get It Done, Kennedy asks if what Spike does best is get thrown through ceilings. Destroying the Summers house might actually be what he does best, since six episodes prior, in Never Leave Me, he rips Andrew through a wall in Dawn’s bedroom, leaving a massive hole. In the same episode, the Bringers go afer him and destroy the window that Xander just finished replacing and a couple of the other windows too.
Music Trivia
Amy Studt
Amy Studt’s song ‘Just A Little Girl’ was used in an advertising campaign for the episode Get It Done, on UPN.
Mythology Trivia

Buffy meets her makers
In Get It Done, he Scoobies open a portal using items from an old Slayer bag. Buffy jumps into the portal and meets the Shadowmen who made the First Slayer and discovers how she was made: “First there was the earth, then came the demons, after demons came men, they found a girl to slay demons, they chained her to the earth, filled her with dark.” The Shadowmen gave a human girl the heart of a demon. She also learns that the girl didn’t do it voluntarily. This vastly contradicts Buffy’s conviction, or rather, hope, that she doesn’t have a ‘dark side’.
The meeting with the Shadowmen is important to Buffy in two ways. Firstly, she chooses not to accept their offer of more power, which would entail her being merging with some kind of evil mist. Secondly, the men convince her enough that there’s something wrong about the way the Slayer was first brought about. She decides in Chosen to reverse their decision to give only one girl the Slayer power.
The language the Shadowmen speak is Swhaili, as spoken in East Africa.

Bring it On
In Get It Done, Willow says to Principal Wood, “Bring it on”. This is a reference to the 2000 cheerleading movie Bring it On which featured Eliza Dushku (Faith) and Clare Kramer (Glory). In Bring It On, one of the Clover cheerleaders says the line: “Can we just beat these Buffys down so I can go home? I’m on curfew, girl.”
In the episode The Body, when Willow is deciding what to wear, she pulls out the “cheery” shirt, a yellow shirt with the slogan “Campus Queen”. This same shirt can also be seen in Bring It On (worn by Kirsten Dunst).

Dr. Strangelove
In Get It Done, Andrew says, “They’ll see the big board.” This is from Stanley Kubrick’s movie Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb. In that movie the Russian ambassador is invited into the Pentagons’ War Room by the President and General Turgidson says, “but he’ll see the big board”.
The Muppets
In Get It Done, Xander says, “Puppets. That’s it! The First hates puppets! Now if we could just airlift Kermit, Fozzie Bear, and Miss Piggy into town.” These are all characters from Jim Henson’s The Muppet Show.
Winnie the Pooh
In Get It Done, the First as Chloe says, “T.T.F.N.” Rona explains this is the favourite saying of Tigger in the Disney version of A.A. Milne’s childrens’ book Winnie the Pooh. “T.T.F.N.” means “ta ta for now”.
Seen at 15.52 minutes:
When Buffy and Dawn discover Chloe’s body, the door behind them is open in the first shot then closed in the next.
Seen at 24.21 minutes:
In Get It Done, the heels of Buffy’s boots change. Just before she leaps into the portal she is wearing stilletto-style boots (best seen when she first walks towwards the portal), but when she lands on the other side the heels are flatter and blockier.
Seen at 31.05 minutes:
When Willow sits in the circle to do her spell, we see from the overhead shot that there is an overturned stool nearby. The shadow of the stool is falling on the circle, but in the shots showing Willow’s face, we see that there is no shadow there.
Seen at 34.06 minutes:
Spike left his leather coat at the Summers’ house after trying to rape Buffy in Seeing Red. He then went off to Africa and got his soul back. When did Buffy return his leather jacket so he could store it in the basement of the school?
Buffy: "The first is coming and what have I got? A bunch of fighters with nothing to hit... a wicca that wonta and the brains of our outfit wears oven mitts."
Andrew: "Where the hell have you been? This funnel cake is kicking my ass."
Buffy: "Andrew is our, actually he's our hostage."
Andrew: "Actually, I like to think of myself more as a guestage."