Harry Potter

Harry Potter

The popular book series Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling is referenced a few times in Buffy. In Real Me, Dawn says, “I’m not going to Hogwarts”. This is a reference to Hogwarts is the school for wizards that Harry attends.
In Lessons, Willow wonders why Giles went “all Dumbledore on me”, referring to the Head Master at Hogwarts school. In Bring on the Night, Andrew says, “An evil name should be something like Lex or Voldemort.” He’s referring to Superman’s nemesis Lex Luthor and Voldmort, who appears in the Harry Potter books.
In Potential, Andrew plays with the snakeskin for the spell, and says “at your ssservice, Missss Rosenberg, sssir”. This is also a reference to Harry Potter - Harry can speak to snakes, and does so in film Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, which is when the snake says “at your ssservice, Mister Potter, sssir”.
In Empty Places, while Anya is giving her talk about the Turok-Han in the basement, Kennedy goes up to the kitchen where Faith asks, “Shouldn’t you be at Hogwarts?”
In Belonging, Lorne says “This reading room - to die for. Raked stage, rocking chair, fabulous colours. I’m tempted to just show up tomorrow morning with Harry Potter”.

Source:› Thanks also to Jimmy Tucker
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  • Suggested by: Red
    Added: › 6th May 2005
    Updated: › 29th April, 2006
    Hits: › 1478  

    28 Comments about “Harry Potter”

    1. Lilwenn says:

      Just a few things: “In Real Me, Dawn…” No “e” at te end of Voldemort. And “Missss Rosenberg…”
      Just tell me if I’m annoying ;)

    2. Jess says:

      Little bit - but helpful annoying so I’ll let you off!

    3. ant4buffy says:

      I don’t think that the snake does say that in the Chamber of Secrets movie.

    4. Blondie-Bear says:

      No, I don’t remember the snake saying that :-S

    5. Jess says:

      Doesn’t it? I’m not a Harry Potter fan so I’ve no idea!

    6. ant4buffy says:

      tut tut jess. i thought you would be. Great books (if a tad long) and really really crap movies!!

    7. ant4buffy says:

      Well actually the other actors in harry potter are really great like alan rickman. but the kid actors are so bad it just makes me want to stick a pen in my eye.

    8. Jess says:

      Yep - admitting you’re not a Harry Potter fan is like admitting you’re an alcoholic or a leper. I’m not a social deviant - honest! I think I’ve enough fan stuff with this site at the moment.

    9. mairceridwen says:

      You’re not alone Jess. While I am happy CHILDREN are reading books, I really don’t understand adults who get so excited about CHILDREN’S books. Though I’m an admitted literary snob who finds Rowling’s writing mediocre at best.

    10. Abby M. says:

      I used to be into Harry Potter but I’d read the book within a week of it being out and then by the time the next book comes out, I’d forget everything so I should really read it over but I do not posess that kind of intiative. Oh well…

    11. Mel says:

      I have to hold my hands up - I am a big Harry Potter fan (would you believe it Jess….lol).

      I do prefer the books to the movies though.

      And if you want another reference then in the new Harry Potter book The Half Blood Prince, Harry gets called The Chosen One……ring any bells??

    12. mairceridwen says:

      the notion of a “chosen one” is prevalent in a number of historical, religious, and traditional tales, fables, and so forth…I highly doubt it has anything to do with Buffy

    13. Abby M. says:

      It’s still cool though!

    14. ant4buffy says:

      I know what you mean hailtothechimp. I like the books but JK Rowling does use alot of adverbs too frequently. “she siad …. blushlingly” like we need all the words. just get to the point. You are right - we don’t need these long volumes but relax everyone… One more to go…

    15. Saintsaucey says:

      I’m a huge Harry fan, I got into them right about the time the first movie came out i think. I read the first four in one week. and HBP i read twice in like four days. The books are excilent in my opinion. The movies are more like getting clif note versions of the books. I think it would have been better if they had transfered the books into a tv series, given us time to explore each book fully

    16. margybee says:

      I do like Harry Potter, and I’ve read all the books — and yeah, the writing isn’t excellent, but the ideas are… the books are very enthralling if you get into them. The movies, however… eh, I’m not crazy about ‘em. But that is possibly because each of the first three came out around the same time each of the LOTR movies came out… and LOTR definitely overshadowed HP. (my opinion, of course)

    17. mairceridwen says:

      I like watching the movies because they are well cast, especially Alan Rickman. Even though it’s all kid’s stuff, I see a huge difference between spending two hours on a film and many hours on a book.

      By the way, have any of you read “Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell?” I highly recommend it.

    18. Smash says:

      Well Mairc, I’m a literary snob who finds Shakespear’s writing mediocre at best, but I do quite like Rowling’s books. They’re nice stories, that’s all. I like the emotion in them, and I think they’re a nice read. I’m not saying they’re Charlotte Bronte good, they’re just a nice break from really hardcore cognitive reading.

    19. Smash says:

      I said “nice” three times in that post. I’m a snob, but my diction is dreadful.

    20. mairceridwen says:

      Literary snob does not equal Shakespear fan. I do, in fact, enjoy a range of work not just *the classics*. I just can’t stand mediocre writing. And good writing can also be light and entertaining.

      I just found out last night that my fiance has been reading (and enjoying) the Harry Potter and I’m simply devestated. He lives in Ohio and I live in Georgia, which is why I hadn’t noticed.

    21. margybee says:

      Is it such a bad thing that somebody you love and respect has found joy in something? So what if you don’t happen to like it! I’m aware that this is quite cliche, but we’re all different and we all find satisfaction in different things. Personally, I think it’s a good thing to find joy in something, no matter what it is (as long as it’s not, you know, destructive or something) and that in itself should be respected.

    22. somethingblue says:

      Yeah for margybee!!! My husband has not been happy about my discovery of the Buffyverse and, even though I ask him to watch it with me, he refuses to. He also started really giving me a hard time for watching the Buffy DVDs I had borrowed all the time. It would have been nice for him to appreciate the intelligence and humor of Buffy or at least be happy that I found something that is so cool and entertaining to me, even if he doesn’t enjoy it. I was feeling guilty when I watched it and even when I was browsing this wonderful site! So, to mairceridwen: enjoy the fact that your fiance is interested in something and celebrate those things that make him an individual!

    23. TwoToGo-Grave says:

      Personally, i must agree with margybee. I have never read these books, as they sound stupid to me, but I have a couple of friends who are obsessed with them (like I am with BTVS) and I see nothing wrong with it, aside from their seemingly poor taste.
      Oh, and to mairceridwen: where in Georgia do you live? That’s where I live as well (in Canton, to be exact).

    24. beagle says:

      I like the Harry Potter books. They’re entertaining and champion good. When my friends make fun of me, I like to compare them (the books) to a good cartoon. They’re written for kids, but they’re still fun.
      But I do empathize with Merc. When one is so passionate about something you hope the ones you love could experience that same thing. As much as I like Harry Potter I don’t presume it to be a great work of literature. So I think she feels disappointed that he’s not quite getting it. Not quite getting the same thing that she is so impassioned by. Just a guess.
      On the subject of significant others and the buffyverse. Oh, I could go on. But, I’ll try not to. My wife and I began watching when BtVS first hit syndication in the US on FX. We watched every episode, two episodes at a time, season 1-3 together. We both loved it! Then she lost interest. Hasn’t watched a single episode since. Will leave the room if it is on. She said she didn’t want to watch without Cordy. (I don’t think that’s really all of it) But since then her apathy has mutated into an almost hatred. She is definitely not the jealous type but she acts as if she were. But I really don’t think she is jealous. I think she might be embarrassed. Not of me, but for me.
      So it’s sorta like Merc. When my wife watches 10 episodes of Niptuck in a row and won’t even set down and watch Dopplegangland once with me,,,, well I cringe.

    25. somethingblue says:

      These are such great stories and I do appreciate the input, knowing I am not the only one who struggles with significant other who just doesn’t “get it”. I have to say, I think the commong thread here really is tolerance and at least some sense of loving your significant other enough to respect their enjoyment of something even if you don’t enjoy it yourself. Was I always an avid NFL fan before I met my husband(?) - well, no - but I do enjoy watching it with him now, (even teams that I used to dislike that are his boyhood favorites) so I would think he could give me the same respect.

      Incidentally, beagle - who could resist double willowage (Dopplegangland), I truly feel your pain!

    26. mairceridwen says:

      I was just being dramatic. I’m not really devestated, though I have been teasing him about it.

      I live in Atlanta.

    27. mairceridwen says:

      Speaking of Harry Potter, let me tell you about the strange dream I had.

      It had something to do with me being in a harry potter film and being one of 4 people who were selected to have magic powers to do evil. only we didn’t know we were agents of evil. my job was to seel mint chocolates door to door. then there were all kinds of strange things, like big huge floating tadpoles with seven eyes

    28. somethingblue says:

      Weird dream but I can’t imagine selling the yummy goodness of mint chocolates as ever being bad. My mom is a florist (no kidding!) and when I was growing up, she was going to sell some of those mint chocolates in our ship, except we ended up eating them all instead! True story!

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