![]() Jenny Calendar was the Computer Science teacher at Sunnydale High, and also secretly Janna Kalderash, a Romany from the tribe who cursed Angel with his soul. Jenny was sent to Sunnydale to make sure that the curse was working, but she became friends with the Scoobies and liked Angel. Jenny fell in love with Giles, despite the fact that the two were exact opposites. When Angel lost his soul, Buffy blamed Jenny (Innocence). The technopagan tried to discover how to re-curse Angel but was killed by Angelus before she could tell anyone the cure (Passion). Jenny’s grave had no year of birth or date on it. It simply said, “Jennifer Calendar”. Played by: Robia LaMorteAppeared in: I Robot, You Jane, Prophecy Girl, When She Was Bad, Some Assembly Required, School Hard, Lie to Me, Ted, Surprise, Innocence, Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered, Passion, Becoming (Part 2), Amends |
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Suggested by: | › Jess |
Added: | › 8th September 2004 |
Updated: | › 25th October, 2005 |
Hits: | › 2011 |
July 21st, 2005 at 9:06 am
I’m fairly sure that Kalderash wasn’t Jenny’s last name ( might be wrong, since it is the Jossverse and, after all, Joss is bad at math, lol. ). Kalderash is the name of a people, of which my mom is a descendant. :)
If I’m wrong, feel free to hit me, I’m wrong a lot! :D
July 21st, 2005 at 10:10 am
That’s weird, it never even occurred to me that Kalderash wasn’t her last name! I guess I just assumed that Calendar was anglicized version of Jenny’s surname.
July 21st, 2005 at 11:53 am
Jenny’s uncle Enyos said the line:
“You thought you are Jenny Calendar now?! You are still Janna, of the Kalderash people! A Gypsy.”
So, I think that Kalderash is the name of gypsy clan that Jenny was born into.
August 14th, 2005 at 3:04 am
It, may not be her last name Jess but I think Calendar was a play off of Kalderash.
August 27th, 2005 at 8:36 pm
I just watched the Joss interview of Passion that is on the DVD set and he said it wasn’t his original intention to make Jenny a gypsy. So her last name and her gypsy clan name probably have nothing to do with each other. If there are any similarities, it was unintentional.
November 26th, 2005 at 2:17 am
I really liked Jenny…
from the first episode ‘You Jane, I Robot’ when she walks in her classroom with her sun glasses real chaotic, just like me when I’m in a hurry in a manly way :P, I laughed and from that moment I liked her
November 26th, 2005 at 4:43 am
I liked Jenny. I felt she was believable as a young, pretty, and hip teacher. I love how she confidently pursues Giles, while he just acts all confused and British:
Giles, talking to a chair and stuttering quite a bit: Wwhat I’m proposing is, um… and I don’t mean to appear indecorous, is, is, um, a, a social engagement, um, a, a, a, a date, if you’re amenable.
November 26th, 2005 at 7:21 am
As sad as it is, I have the whole scene from Some Assembly Required (with Giles ‘asking out’ the chair) memorized! Yeah, but I’m proud so…
I loved her too. I really loved Jenny’s sarcasm, she was hilarious!
November 26th, 2005 at 2:12 pm
It was also a good scene the way she died…
but still I think Jenny was one good character, fun and sexy :)
I also loved how confident she was…
‘I just loved to see you squirm’ (did I write that good?)
December 27th, 2005 at 12:49 pm
if i remember rightly angelus broke her neck, i thought this was a unjust way for her to die, he could have at least sucked her blood, it seams that a broken neck was too short and brutal a killing for such a loved character!
however if im completely wrong just ignore me!
December 27th, 2005 at 12:51 pm
Joss wanted it to be a brutal killing for Angel, to prove that the old Angelus was back (I think).
December 27th, 2005 at 12:52 pm
Joss Whedon said that he didn’t drink her blood because he didn’t want to cause speculation that she would come back as a vampire, which makes sense. It is an unjust way for her to die though.
December 27th, 2005 at 12:53 pm
well, im glad we did see her again. albeit in the form of the first evil who wanted to consume the world into hell, but hey it was nice to see jenny lol
December 27th, 2005 at 12:54 pm
True, but I also wish she could have appeared in Giles’ dream in Restless. She seems to be more fitting here than Olivia.
December 27th, 2005 at 5:30 pm
No she doesn’t. Olivia represented, for Giles, his life outside of Sunnydale, what he could have back in Britain, away from his Slayer duties. Jenny was too well connected to the scoobies and their mission (also having one of thieir own) to represent his potential ouside of that world. And I think it’s essential that, unlike Jenny, their relationship was more or less casual, which adds to the theme of “what could have been but for Sunnydale.”
December 27th, 2005 at 5:33 pm
(also having one of HER own)
December 27th, 2005 at 9:36 pm
While I respect your opinion on the matter, I think that Jenny could have fit this quite well. Olivia is not a great love (obviously), so there seems no reason that she must be here. This could be shown with Jenny much better, as it is not just about the potential outside Sunnydae, but about the potential to have a normal life (and a normal life doesn’t need to be with some “casual friend” type of girl). Olivia respresents Giles’ life before Sunnydale, but from what we have seen, that isn’t exactly a normal life either. It could go either way, but that is my opinion on the matter.
December 27th, 2005 at 10:32 pm
“and a normal life doesn’t need to be with some “casual friend” type of girl”
That’s not what I meant. Olivia represents potential and what could have been. Olivia could have been something more than casual. That she was freaked out by the kind of life he has supports this. Jenny doesn’t represent that kind of either/or (Sunnyday or Enlgand) in the same way.
“Olivia respresents Giles’ life before Sunnydale”
No, she represents what he could have if he chooses to leave Sunnydale. He’s at a pivitol moment…should he stay and continue his job as watcher, or pursue this other life. She represents the future, not the past…that she knew him from the past is just how he happens to know her.
December 27th, 2005 at 10:36 pm
It’s not a matter of opinion; it’s a matter of interpretation. Jenny is dead at this point. Olivia is not. And Giles is not at a point where he’s mourning and longing for the past; he’s trying to decide what to do with his future. The ENTIRE season four is about Giles questioning his role, does he need to stay as Buffy’s watcher or should he go back to England…a point made perfectly clear in the very first episode of season five.
December 27th, 2005 at 10:39 pm
How does a pregnant Olivia represent life before Sunnydale? A pregnant Jenny would have been creepy and depressing.
December 27th, 2005 at 10:39 pm
Hmmm..that past/future discussion of mair’s sound vaguely familiar….
December 28th, 2005 at 1:38 am
December 28th, 2005 at 4:17 pm
I just watched Passion yesterday….
and I really thought they should have let her longer in the show…
I loved her character… and after that giles didnt had any girlfriends (beside Olivia)
and like buffy said:
I dont want him to be lonely… I dont want anyone to be lonely!
December 28th, 2005 at 4:45 pm
Just because someone is alone doesn’t mean that they’re lonely.
And on the flipside, you can be with someone but still be lonely. Incredibly lonely.
December 28th, 2005 at 5:17 pm
“And on the flipside, you can be with someone but still be lonely. Incredibly lonely.”
It’s as if mair can actually read my soul. It’s just plain f***ing scary…
January 16th, 2006 at 8:18 am
Damn, I am like, Giles/Jenny fan #1 and I missed these postings because of my stupid computer! Grrr…(argh)…
My opinion is of course biased because I am such a Giles/Jenny fan. I can see having Olivia in Restless because she represented a life completely away from slaying and watching, but on the other hand…having Jenny would have been nice because I personally like her character.
Also, in truth, you can go through the entire mourning process and have ‘let go’ of the person that died and have it be 20 years later and it is not unbelieveable or weird to dream about them. You’re still always going to miss that person and your dreams show you what you want and it seems as though Giles would have wanted a pregnant Jenny over a pregnant Olivia. Then again, maybe putting Jenny in place of Olivia would have defeated the point: So many people would be obsessing over the fact that Jenny came back that her purpose to be back might have been looked over…BTW: I don’t know where I read it and it was probably some rumor but I remember reading something that said Joss tried to get La Morte to do Restless in place of Olivia but she couldn’t do it for scheduling conflicts.
February 19th, 2006 at 2:50 am
I really liked her. But stupid angelus killed her -.-
February 19th, 2006 at 3:42 am
I hear ya Mizzbella!
February 19th, 2006 at 3:47 am
Jess! - Hey, first of all, I love the new look. Very sleak. Anyway, up here you don’t have Jenny listed has being seen in The Dark Age.
February 19th, 2006 at 4:16 am
Sorry for the triple post but I forgot to say….in my orchestra, we are playing a piece called Rumanian Dances and one the movements has a style note of, “Gypsie-like.” I saw this and as soon as we went to play it, I yelled out, “This ones for Jenny!” The only person to get it was my boyfriend though. What is even funnier is that there is a girl in the class whose name is Jennifer and she has a solo in the piece! So now everytime we play it, we always say it’s for Jenny. Pretty funny.