Joyce or the First?


When Dawn’s mother appears to her in Conversations with Dead People, the circumstances are different to when the First appears to others. She is surrounded by light and Dawn had to fight to make her mother heard as some force seemed to be stopping her. This led fans to believe that it was really Joyce visiting her daughter. Buffy writer Jane Espenson later revealed that Joyce was supposed to be the First, but it wasn’t completely clear.
In End of Days, Buffy asks Xander to take Dawn away from Sunnydale. This could be what Joyce meant (if it was Joyce) when she said, “When it is very bad, Buffy will not choose you” in Conversations with Dead People: Buffy didn’t choose Dawn to help her.

Source:› Thanks to Sraeps2
› Jane Espensen's DVD commentary
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  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 20th June 2005
    Updated: › 23rd January, 2006
    Hits: › 1462  

    11 Comments about “Joyce or the First?”

    1. Donna says:

      I always thought the First was just being convincing with all that battle stuff Dawn had to do before talking to Joyce, but come to think of it, Dawn would probably have believed her if she just appeared to her. It seems pretty obvious for the viewer that it isn’t Joyce because Joyce wouldn’t say bad things about Buffy (ie She won’t choose you)- but Dawn always seems insecure and doubting of Buffy’s motives so she probably wouldn’t be so hard to convince.

    2. ant4buffy says:

      I don’t believe that Joyce was the first because at exactly the same time Cassie (the first) was talking to Willow and the first can’t be in two places at once.

    3. Donna says:

      I didn’t think of that but still, how can you tell it was exactly the same time? Cassie’s conversation doesn’t go that long perhaps the First could squeeze it into the nights schedule.

    4. Abby M. says:

      I still believe and am concinced it wasn’t the First because Dawn wouldn’t have had to fight to see her if she was the First. Also, the light around her and the message all make me think it was actually Joyce and not the First.

    5. Mullsen says:

      Reply to ant4buffy: The First can be in more than one place at once. At the same time it was visiting Willow as Cassie, it was with Andrew as Warren. As for Joyce/The First, I think we should listen to the writers on that one. After all, they made this world, they would know.

    6. ant4buffy says:

      Fair point. completely forgot about that. Dammit i hate being wrong. hehe. Nice one.

    7. chrisjankunas says:

      I think they are now covering up a deleted story. If you read the alternate script for CHOSEN, found on Joyce’s words made sense to Dawn and she acted upon them.
      This story was later cut so I think that it was origianlly meant to be Joyce!
      An interesting point may also be that Joyce didn’t faded different to the two ways the first fades!

    8. storyteller says:

      I think that it was definetly The First and not Joyce. I think that The First figured that Dawn would be skeptical if Joyce just showed up normally, so it created all that other stuff to make her think that her Mom was fighting to be with her, and at the same time, demonstrate how powerful the First was. If it really was Joyce, why would she say that about Buffy. And Joyce doesn’t have powers. I took the line about not choosing Dawn as a refernce to The Gift, when Buffy was willing to protect Dawn even if it meant the end of the world. And this time…she won’t choose you. I think that was the First putting doubt into Dawn’s mind.

    9. onlimain says:

      I agree with Donna and Storyteller. I think it was the First. All her life, Joyce has promoted peace between the two. She wants them to get along and take care of each other. I doubt that after she died, she would try to create discord between them.

    10. Mineable says:

      I agree with chrisjankunas, it looked like the writers decided to just cut this part out and pretend we forgot about it. A sloppy mistake for a sloppy season.

    11. TwoToGo-Grave says:

      I honestly thought that it was Joyce all throughout the season back then (was it really three years ago already?), and I must admit that I still believe that they would have made a major deal of this had the show not been about to end. It was not really a sloppy mistake, but rather just a case of running out of time and having to choose what stories they would be able to tell. That’s is just one opinion, however.

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