Letting Angel In

Goof seen in: Angel at 17.00

In the episode Angel, Buffy says to Giles at the hospital, “I invited him into my home. Even after I knew who he was, what he was, and I didn’t do anything about it… ‘cause I had feelings for him, because I cared about him.” The problem with this is that Buffy only ever invited Angel into her house before she knew he was a vampire.

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  • Suggested by: Mel
    Added: › 5th February 2006
    Updated: › 7th April, 2006
    Hits: › 320  

    9 Comments about “Letting Angel In”

    1. snowflake5684 says:

      I watched this episode today, and I wondered about that…maybe she’s just so flustered that she isn’t thinking correctly?

    2. TwoToGo-Grave says:

      I assumed that it meant that she invited him it, and then when she found out what he was, she still didn’t do anything about it (i.e. kill him). I could be wrong, but that is the assumption that I have been under.

    3. Wynter says:

      Yeah, that’s what I was going to say.

    4. snowflake5684 says:

      Ahh…I never even thought of that…maybe that is it.

    5. Mel says:

      She says “I invited him into my home. Even after I knew what he was”

      To me this means that Buffy is meaning she invited him in even after she knew he was a vampire.

    6. MagicBone says:

      But she didn’t know that he was a vampire until she kissed him and he went all growly and vamp-faced.

    7. Mel says:

      But Buffy said this at the hospital after she knew Angel was a vampire.

      It was said after Darla had bitten Joyce and Buffy thought that it was Angel who had done it.

    8. snowflake5684 says:

      I’ve been thinking about this some more. Mel, I agree that her words mean that she is saying she invited him into her house, knowing what he was, and clearly this isn’t true.

      Which brings me back to my original “she was flustered and didn’t know what she was saying” hypothesis.

    9. Wynter says:

      I had this big spiel about why this was just a goof but somehow it got posted in the wrong section so I’m just gonna make this quick.

      I originally thought the line meant that Buffy let Angel into her house again AFTER she found out he was a vampire (i.e. after the night with the kiss), but she doesn’t see him again til the next night when she finds him with her mum. So she can’t have had the chance to re-invite him. Even if she was flustered, why would she basically lie and said she’d invited him in after she knew he was a vampire, when she hasn’t?! It’s just a big goof afterall folks.

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