Losing the one you love

During the seven years of Buffy, all four core Scoobies have the person they love die at some point:

  • Xander - Anya dies fighting against The First’s army (Chosen)
  • Willow - Tara is shot and instantly killed by Warren (Seeing Red)
  • Giles - Jenny gets her neck snapped by Angelus (Passion)
  • Buffy - Angel was already dead but Buffy kills him by stabbing him in the heart with a sword (Becoming (Part 2))
Related Trivia:
  • Losing the family
  • Mrs lyrics
  • Willow’s loss
  • Love torches
  • J. B. Gaynor
  • Angel’s love metaphor
  • Rat love
  • Smoking bad
  • Suggested by: Abby M.
    Added: › 6th November 2005
    Updated: › 1st April, 2006
    Hits: › 301  

    8 Comments about “Losing the one you love”

    1. MagicBone says:

      For Buffy…what about Spike? He died in Chosen, and obviously he too was already dead, but she loved him didn’t she? Spike didn’t think that she did but we, or at least I, think she did.

    2. Abby M. says:

      I knew someone was going to ask this question the second I posted this. :)

      I don’t want this to end up being a debate for if Buffy loved Spike or not but regardless of if she did or not, she did truely love Angel so I want to leave the triva the way it is. I don’t want to force my opinion onto the trivia (I don’t think she loved Spike, although I wish she did) but for this trivia, I meant it to be everyone’s “one true love” who died even though we can debate all night if she loved Spike or not, we can all agree Angel fits that category.

    3. MagicBone says:

      ok, sorry…

    4. Abby M. says:

      I hope I didn’t come off as being mean, I just didn’t want to come of as being mean. :)

    5. Jaynesgirl says:

      What about Joyce?

      I know it’s not romantic love but all the same it is someone she loved

    6. All4Spike says:

      Yes, I agree Jaynesgirl, Buffy losing her mother had a very profound effect on her, and on Dawn and in fact on all of the scoobies, as she was a ‘mother figure’ to both Willow and Xander who had parents they couldn’t relate to.

    7. Nocturne says:

      Is it my imagination or do the Scoobies end up having their heart broken everytime they have a relationship? O_o

    8. Abby M. says:

      Sadly I think thats a must for Sunnydale relationships: It must end up where one of the two people dies or leaves town.

      Jaynesgirl: I totally agree with you but when I wrote this trivia, I was thinking in terms of romantic relationsips.

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