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Sherlock Holmes

In the episode Same Time, Same Place, Dawn says, “it’s smellementary!” This is a twist on the famous phrase “it’s elementary”, used by Sherlock Holmes. He was a fictional detective created by Arthur Conan Doyle, and featured in many stories in the late 19th and 20th centuries.

[Hits: 95] [Suggested by Wynter] [Comments: 0]
Angel’s girly footsteps Goof

I was watching Doppelgängland yesterday and the scene when Angel comes to the library to tell the Scoobies that Willow is dead!
When he enters you hear footsteps that make it sound like he has high heels on… sounds more like Cordelia then Angel

[Hits: 110] [Suggested by Rozzi] [Comments: 0]
Moving on…

Dawn says that Riley has been away for a year in As You Were. Riley says that him and Sm have been married for four months, and presumably they had been together a while before that. But, Sam says to Buffy in the graveyard that it took Riley a year …

[Hits: 110] [Suggested by Esual] [Comments: 1]
Useless guns

In Flooded, when the M’Fashnik demon attacks the bank, Buffy says to the guard while holding his gun: “these things, never helpful”. In As You Were while holding a gun that Riley gives her, she says: “these things, never useful”.

[Hits: 104] [Suggested by Esual] [Comments: 0]
I have to…

In The Gift, when Buffy realises she has to jump of the tower, she says “Dawny I have to…” This line is echoed in Dead Things when Buffy realises she needs to go to the police after she thinks she has killed Katrina. While in Dawn’s room she says “Dawny …

[Hits: 77] [Suggested by Esual] [Comments: 0]
Lawyers and Friends

John Rubenstein (Linwood Murrow) and Sam Anderson (Holland Manners) have both played Wolfram & Hart lawyers in Angel and doctors in Friends.

John played the doctor who delivered Chandler and Monica’s adopted babies in the episode ‘The Last One’ and Sam played the Happy Days loving doctor who examined Phoebe when …

[Hits: 80] [Suggested by Mel] [Comments: 1]
Roy Dotrice
Roy Dotrice

Roy Dotrice, who played Roger Wyndham-Pryce in Lineage, was born in Guernsey. When the Germans occupied the island in 1940, Roy, his mother and brother escaped to England. In 1942, aged 16, Roy joined the Royal Air Force and was trained as a wireless operator and air gunner. He was …

[Hits: 152] [Suggested by Jess] [Comments: 1]
Roger W-P
Roger Wyndam-Pryce

After the destruction of the Watcher’s Council, Wesley’s father, Roger Wyndam-Pryce, came to L.A. to evaluate his son for the role as Watcher in the new Council. Roger was always cold, formal and distant towards his son, and now had additional concerns about Wesley working for a vampire at Wolfram …

[Hits: 162] [Suggested by Jess] [Comments: 0]
Simon Templeman

Simon Templeman, who played Matthias Pavayne in Hellbound, has also appeared in Charmed, Just Shoot Me!, Zoe, Duncan, Jack & Jane, Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, Northern Exposure, Mad About You, Melrose Place, Father Dowling Mysteries and Star Trek: The Next Generation.

[Hits: 92] [Suggested by Jess] [Comments: 0]
Matthias Pavayne

Matthias Pavayne, also known as ‘The Dark Soul’ and ‘The Reaper’, was an English aristocrat doctor from the 18th century. With a vast knowledge of the dark arts, Pavayne liked to perform unnecessary procedures on his patients. The Los Angeles offices of Wolfram & Hart were built on the …

[Hits: 81] [Suggested by Jess] [Comments: 0]
Victor Raider-Wexler

Victor Raider-Wexler played Magnus Hainsley in Just Rewards. A character actor often cast as judges, he has also appeared in The War at Home, Numb3rs, NYPD Blue, Everybody Loves Raymond, Sabrina, the Teenage Witch, Dharma & Greg, Dr. Dolittle 2, Two Guys, a Girl and a Pizza Place, The Adventures …

[Hits: 57] [Suggested by Jess] [Comments: 0]
Magnus Hainsley

Magnus Hainsley was a Necromancer and one of Wolfram & Hart’s oldest clients. He had the power to take the essence of his demon clients via his own body and place them within a corpse chosen by the client. W&H had supplied these bodies until Gunn and Angel decided to …

[Hits: 47] [Suggested by Jess] [Comments: 0]
Adam Baldwin
Adam Baldwin

Adam Baldwin, who played Marcus Hamilton in Angel’s season five, is best known to Joss Whedon fans as Jayne Cobb in the TV series Firefly and movie Serenity. He also played Knowle Rohrer in several episodes of The X Files and Animal Mother in Stanley Kubrick’s film Full Metal Jacket. …

[Hits: 113] [Suggested by Jess] [Comments: 0]
Marcus Hamilton
Marcus Hamilton

Marcus Hamilton took over from Eve as the new Wolfram & Hart Senior Partners liaison to Angel in the episode Underneath. Smartly dressed, strong and pushy, Hamilton remained wary of Angel, even when he joined the Circle of the Black Thorn. On realising that Angel had been feeding him wrong …

[Hits: 92] [Suggested by Jess] [Comments: 0]
Fell Brethren
Fell Brethren

The Fell Brethren came to Wolfram & Hart in Time Bomb to finalise a contract with Amanda, a young human woman who was pregnant with a child they believed to be the ‘Vessel’ - a holy child. The contract stated that Amanda would give over her child to the Brethren, …

[Hits: 85] [Suggested by Jess] [Comments: 0]
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