Riley arrives back in Sunnydale with his (supposedly perfect) new wife. Buffy, who is currently working at The Doublemeat Palace, sleeping with Spike and stinking of grease, is not pleased to see the happy couple. The three hunt down a demon, during which Riley discovers that Spike and Buffy are having a relationship. It’s enough of a wake up call for Buffy to finally break up with Spike and get on with her life.
Airdate: | 26 February 2002 |
Writer: | Doug Petrie |
Director: | Doug Petrie |
Cast: |
Buffy: "My hat has a cow."
Behind the Scenes Trivia
Marc post-Buffy
Marc Blucas left Buffy the Vampire Slayer in the episode Into the Woods, but appeared again in season six’s As You Were for one episode. Since leaving the show, Marc has appeared in We Were Soldiers, A View from the Top, Sunshine State, I Capture the Castle, The Alamo, First Daughter and Summer Catch.
Riley’s new look
The following is a stage direction for As You Were, from the script:
“Riley Finn. Looking intense, fit, and more handsome than ever in his stylin’ lightweight kevlar battle gear. (The new scar he’s sporting above his right eye don’t hurt none.)”
Cast and Crew Trivia

Adam Paul
Adam Paul, who played the ‘Skanky Vamp’ in As You Were has also appeared in Flirting with Death, Enterprise and Curb Your Enthusiasm and done voices for Final Fantasy X, Treasure Planet: Battle at Procyon, Biohazard, Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron and Port Charles.
Alice Dinnean Vernon
Alice Dinnean Vernon worked the demon puppet in As You Were, and was the hand behind the mummy hand in Life Serial. She’s also worked on Sesame Street, The Muppet Show, Men in Black II and Bear in the Big Blue House. Alice was one of the puppeteers in the Angel episode ‘Smile Time‘.

Ivana Milicevic
Ivana Milicevic played Sam, Riley’s wife, in the episode As You Were. Ivana used to be a stand up comedian. She was born in Bosnia in 1978 and has been in several movies of note including Paycheck (as Leslie), Love Actually (as Stacey), Down with Love (as Yvette), Mail Order Bride (as Nina), Kiss the Sky (as Ilse) Jerry Maguire (as a former girlfriend of Tom Cruise’s character) and Vanilla Sky (another Tom Cruise movie). She has also appeared in Charmed, Friends, Nash Bridges, Felicity and Seinfeld (in the episode ‘The Comeback’).
Ryan Raddatz
Ryan Raddatz, who played Buffy’s annoying co-worker Todd in As You Were, has been in First Daughter (which stars Marc Blucas), A Mighty Wind, The Joe Schmo Show, Grounded for Life, The Andy Dick Show, Even Stevens and The Amanda Show.
Character Trivia

Sam Finn
Sam Finn showed up in Sunnydale in As You Were with her new husband (and Buffy’s ex) - Riley. They were in pursuit of a rare and lethal demon, whose eggs were being sold locally on the black market. She was a military demon hunter and former Peace Corps volunteer, whom Riley met in South America after he left Sunnydale. Although the Scoobies were ready to hate her, Sam became friendly with Buffy’s friends, especially Willow, who Sam admired for trying to overcome her addiction to magic.
Catching up
In As You Were, several previous episodes are mentioned on Riley return. He says that he likes Buffy’s hair, which she had cut in the episode Gone. Buffy mentions the time when the gang couldn’t leave ther house (Older and Far Away). Buffy talks about the trio of geeks and Riley says he’s going to check out Willy’s Bar. He was there previously in Goodbye, Iowa, Shadow and Into the Woods. Riley’s departure in Into the Woods is also mentioned a few times.
Doublemeat medley
In As You Were, Buffy sings the Doublemeat medley tune, first heard in Smashed and later in Doublemeat Palace. The lyrics are: “Get the double treat, that’s the double sweet, oh it’s hard to beat, when the meat meets…”
Hell of a woman
Spike tells Buffy that she’s “a hell of a woman” in Touched. Riley said the same thing to her in As You Were.
Helping Buffy
In Doublemeat Palace, Spike told Buffy he could get her money to stop her working at the fast food restaurant. Selling the Tsuvolti eggs (seen in As You Were) may have been his way of supporting her as Riley says that the eggs are worth a lot of money.

Uncle Rory
Xander’s Uncle Rory, who was a “stodgy taxidermist” by day and at night it was “booze, whores and fur flying”. Mentioned in The Dark Age, The Zeppo (when he lent Xander his car), Fear, Itself, Gone and As You Were. We finally got to meet Uncle Rory when he was a guest at Xander’s wedding in Hell’s Bells - and he didn’t disappoint. He pretended to be electrocuted by a toaster and hit on a waitress at the wedding, pretending she was his date. He then explained the finer points of taxidermy to her.
Useless guns
In Flooded, when the M’Fashnik demon attacks the bank, Buffy says to the guard while holding his gun: “these things, never helpful”. In As You Were while holding a gun that Riley gives her, she says: “these things, never useful”.
Vampire uniform
The vampire that tells Buffy she smells in As You Were is wearing the same t-shirt that Sunday’s vampire lackey Tom wore in The Freshman, before he was hit by the Initiative Soldiers.
Xander’s cummerbund
In As You Were, Anya says to Xander, “Will you stop wolfing down those chips? One more bag and you’ll pop right out of your cummerbund.” We see Buffy struggling to get Xander into his cummerbund in Hell’s Bells.
Zip code
Sunnydale’s zip code (seen in a letter addressed to Buffy in As You Were) is 95037, which is actually for the town of Morgan Hill in the Santa Clara Valley, south of San Francisco.
Music Trivia
Mythology Trivia
Suvolte are very rare, almost extinct demons which breed like mad (which makes us wonder why they’re nearly extinct). Suvolte demons mature quickly and start to kill as soon as they hatch. Riley and Sam Finn tracked a Suvolte demon to Sunnydale, where Riley managed to convince a gullible group of people that it was a bear (As You Were). Spike had been breeding the demons and selling the eggs, posing as someone called the Doctor.
Arnold Palmer
In As You Were, Dawn gives Willow her drink saying, “Your Arnold Palmer, milady”. An Arnold Palmer is a mix of lemonade and iced tea.

Doctor Who
In Smashed, Andrew mentions Doctor Who, a cult British sci-fi series following an eccentric doctor and his companion as they travel through time and space. Several actors have portrayed the Doctor since 1963. A new series is currently being aired, starring Christopher Eccleston as the tenth Doctor and Billie Piper as his fellow traveller.
In As You Were, Riley says that the person with the demon eggs calls himself “The Doctor”, which may also be a reference to Doctor Who.
Anthony Stewart Head auditioned for the role of the eighth Doctor, before his Buffy fame. The role eventually went to Paul McGann, but in 2003 Tony was voted by Radio Times and SFX readers as the person they’d most like to play the Doctor.

James Bond
In the episode Ted, Cordelia states Buffy should have ’special rules’ when it comes to the subject of murder to which Xander replies, “What? A license to kill?” This is the title of the 1989 James Bond movie starring Timothy Dalton.
In The Prom, Cordelia says that Wesley would look “way-007 in a tux”, referring to Agent 007 - James Bond. In Flooded, the nerds can be seen playing 007 Golden-Eye on their Playstation. In Out of My Mind, Buffy says, “You’re like my fairy godmother and Santa Claus and Q all wrapped up into one… Q from Bond not Star Trek“.
In Life Serial, Jonathan, Andrew and Warren discuss the different actors who have portrayed James Bond. Warren likes Sean Connery, Jonathan favours Roger Moore and Andrew’s favourite is Timothy Dalton. They mention the movies Dr. No, Moonraker, Licence to Kill and The Living Daylights.
In As You Were, Buffy says to Riley, “you still carry around all that James Bond stuff.” They later abseil down a giant dam, 007-style.
In Lessons, Dawn says, “Check out double-oh Xander”, referencing James Bond. In Showtime, Andrew tells Dawn she has a “License to Kill” and in Villians, Buffy, Xander,and Dawn are talking about what to do with Warren and Buffy says, “That doesn’t give me a license to kill.”
Lyndon Baines Johnson
Todd says to Buffy in As You Were, “the next thing you know you’re LBJ handing the house keys over to Nixon.” LBJ was American president Lyndon Baines Johnson, who was President from 1963-69.

Giles says to Xander in Bad Eggs, “I suppose there is a sort of Machiavellian ingenuity to your transgression.” He’s referring to Renaissance philosopher Nicolo Machiavelli (1469-1527) whose most famous work was The Prince (1515). In it, he says that to remain in power and be truly effective, a ruler must reject traditional morality and use his power ruthlessly. The term “Machiavellian” therefore means to achieve goals by whatever means necessary. In As You Were, Todd asks Buffy “you know Machiavelli, right?”
In Soul Purpose, Gunn says of an evil warlock, “We open a can of Machiavelli on his ass.”
Nick and Nora Fury
Xander refers to to “Nick and Nora Fury” in As You Were. This is a reference to both Nick and Nora Charles, the lead characters in the Thin Man movies and to Nick Fury, the main character in the comics Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandos and Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.E.I.L.D.

Star Trek
There are many cast/crew links between Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the long-running cult sci-fi show Star Trek. Armin Shimerman (Principal Snyder) played Quark in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine for seven years. Dominic Keating, who played Blair in the episode Helpless, later went on to star in Star Trek: Enterprise as Lt. Reed. Jennifer Hetrick, who played the teacher Ms. Moran in Homecoming (whom Buffy asked for a reference) played the girlfriend of Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek: The Next Generation. Buffy writer Jane Espenson wrote an episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine called ‘Accession’. Star Trek has also been referenced numerous times in Buffy the Vampire Slayer:
- In Prophecy Girl, Xander says, “Calm may work for Locutus of Borg here, but I’m freaked and I intend to stay that way.” Upset by Giles’ reserve, he is referencing Star Trek’s emotionless cyborgs from the episode ‘The Best of Both Worlds’. Locutus was the name given to Captain Pickard (Patrick Stewart) when he was captured, and ‘assimilated, by the Borg.
- In Homecoming, Cordelia woos the nerds at Sunnydale High by saying, “Are you kidding? I’ve been doing the Vulcan death grip since I was 4.”
- In Consequences, Cordy calls Wesley, “Giles the next generation” in a reference to Star Trek: The Next Generation.
- In Out of My Mind, Buffy says, “You’re like my fairy godmother and Santa Claus and Q all wrapped up into one… Q from Bond not Star Trek“.
- In The Replacement, the two Xanders say, “Kill us both Spock” - a reference to a Star Trek episode where Kirk is split two - one being good and one bad.
- In Flooded, the nerds vote with the Star Trek Vulcan salute, which is the same salute that Cordelia used to impress the ‘geeks’ in Homecoming.
- In Smashed, Spike tells the nerds, “You can play holodeck another time” - he means the virtual reality technology used in Star Trek.
- The nerds compare Buffy’s time loop in Life Serial with an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation called ‘Cause and Effect’ (Andrew: “I just hope she solves it faster than Data did on the ep of TNG where the Enterprise kept blowing up.”)
- In As You Were, Buffy says. “they’re like really mean Tribbles”, referring to the popular, but quick breeding, pets on board the Starship Enterprise.
- After her visit to the nerds’ ‘lair’ in Doublemeat Palace, Willow says that they had numerous pictures of the “Vulcan women from Enterprise“. She’s referring to Jolene Blaylock, who played T’pol in UPN’s Star Trek show.
- The episode Normal Again is similar to the season five episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine called ‘Far Beyond the Stars’. In that episode, Captain Benjamin Sisko imagines that he is a science fiction writer living on 1950s Earth and writing about a station full of aliens called Deep Space Nine. He hallucinates that the people he knows in the 1950s are futuristic aliens and is thrown into an asylum.
- In Seeing Red, Andrew references Star Trek: The Next Generation when he discusses who’s boss of the nerds: “Warren’s the boss. He’s Picard, you’re Deanna Troi. Get used to the feeling, Betazoid.” In that episode, Xander realises that the nerds had love poems in their lair written in Klingon.
- In Grave, after the Magic Box has been destroyed, a William Shatner book can be seen on the floor.
- In Conversations with Dead People, we learn that Andrew learned Klingon (a language in Star Trek) from a dictionary in two and a half weeks.
- In Dirty Girls, Andrew hilariously confuses Faith’s murder of a Volcanologist with a Vulcan:
Andrew: “Nobody was immune to her trail of destruction. Not friends, not family, not even the most pacifist and logical of races…”
Amanda: “What the hell are you talking about? I thought Faith killed a volcanologist.”
Andrew: “Silly, silly Amanda. Why would Faith kill a person who studies Vulcans?”
Seen at 05.40 minutes:
Buffy brings a burger home to Dawn. We then see Buffy holding it in her hand, but the position of her hand changes when Willow walks in, and changes back in the longer shot.
Seen at 09.21 minutes:
Buffy’s rejection letter is addressed to 1630 Crestview instead of 1630 Revello Drive.
Seen at 11.36 minutes:
It seems a bit too convenient that Buffy’s coat was just under the counter at the Doublemeat Palace, so she could grab it and go off with Riley. Shouldn’t it have been in a locker room?
Seen at 21.00 minutes:
In As You Were, Sam says “We’d better regroup”, but her lips aren’t actually moving
Seen at 33.42 minutes:
Xander was supposed to be at Buffy’s house watching Dawn while Buffy, Sam and Riley were out. Instead we see him at his house hiding from his relatives in the bathroom.
Buffy: "Husband? Wife? Those aren't code names like Big Dog or Falcon?"
Buffy: "My hat has a cow."
Willow: "You know, when I was little, I used to spend hours imagining what my wedding to Xander would be like. And now I look at them, I just think... Nee Hee Hee!"