Previous Slayers trailer

The first time Welcome to the Hellmouth was shown in America, it was preceded by a short trailer that referred to previous slayers such as Lucy Hanover (who now regularly pops up in the Buffy books and comics). This has never been shown again in America and has never been seen overseas.

Related Trivia:
  • Trailer
  • Lucy Hanover tape
  • Previously on Buffy the Vampire Slayer
  • First exposition
  • Slayer kids
  • Amanda
  • The Slayer
  • Musical ad
  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 5th October 2004
    Updated: › 13th March, 2005
    Hits: › 1108  

    4 Comments about “Previous Slayers trailer”

    1. MissKittyFantastico says:

      Damn the United Kingdom… I wanna see it!!

    2. beagle says:

      Sure would be cool if someone had that available for download.. huh

    3. MissKittyFantastico says:

      ooohhh, it sure would be….

    4. paxomen says:

      Heya, this is available for download, from the bottom of this wikipedia page:

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