A Watcher is a person who works for the Watcher’s Council. Watchers are assigned to Slayers to train, help and prepare them. The main Watcher on the show was Rupert Giles, Buffy’s Watcher. He and the Slayer became very close and he acted as a father-figure to her and her sister, Dawn. Giles was sacked by the Council in Helpless because of this closeness. He was replaced with Wesley Wyndham-Pryce in Bad Girls, who became the Watcher for both Buffy and Faith, before Buffy quit and Faith went bad. Other Watchers seen on the show include Gwendolyn Post, a Watcher who went bad and briefly fooled the Scoobies into thinking she was the real thing (Revelations), and Quentin Travers, Lydia, Phillip and Nigel (amongst others) in Checkpoint when they came to test Buffy. Lydia told Spike she wrote her thesis on him. Giles mentioned that his father and grandmother were Watcher’s before him, and Wesley’s father Roger was also a Watcher, suggesting that being a Watcher is somewhat of a family tradition.
February 1st, 2006 at 3:09 am
according to merrick in the buffy film he suggested he had been the watcher to some of the slayers before buffy which could mean that watchers have a longer life span then most humans
February 1st, 2006 at 3:40 am
Yeah but pretty much the only thing that was the same about the movie and the show was the fact that the main character’s name was Buffy.