Werewolves on the show were first examined in the episode Phases, in which Oz discovered he was a wolf. Buffy werewolves are fairly traditional in that the creature is a human for most of the time, but turns into a wolf for three nights a month at the time of a full moon. The human part of the creature is unaware of what happens when it is a wolf. A person becomes a werewolf after being bitten by one. Oz was bitten by his Cousin Geordie and takes the news in his usual calm manner. He locks himself in a cage during the three nights in which he ‘wolfs-out’. Oz met Veruca, a fellow student who was also a werewolf, though she embraced it. When the wolf-side of Oz threatened his girlfriend Willow, Oz left Sunnydale to look for a cure. After a great deal of searching, Oz met some Tibetan monks who taught him to control his werewolf side with some herbs, chanting, a couple of talismans, and “keeping his cool”. Werewolf hunters kill wolves for their fur, a commodity that can apparently be sold for a hefty price. The hunter shoots the wolf using silver bullets. Buffy met a hunter named Caine in Phases and tried to convince him that the wolf was really a human, to no avail.
Appeared in: Phases,
Beauty and the Beasts,
The Zeppo,
Fear, Itself,
Wild at Heart,
New Moon Rising
June 20th, 2005 at 7:50 pm
The “Phases” werewolf look so much better than the later ones.
April 20th, 2006 at 10:07 pm
I totally agree. Why did they change the look of the werewolves through out BtVS? By Season 4 - they looked completely different!