Buffy became the Slayer in 1996, which turned her life around completely. She was expelled from Hemery High School for burning down the gym (which was full of vampires). Buffy and her mother moved to Sunnydale where she met her new Watcher, Rupert Giles, and her friends Willow and Xander (Welcome to the Hellmouth). She also met and fell in love with vampire Angel, who had a soul. They had a turbulent relationship culminating in sex, which made Angel lose his soul (Surprise). Buffy and Angel became sworn enemies, and he began to taunt her. He eventually murdered Jenny Calendar (Passion) and Buffy swore revenge. Angel attempted to end the world using a demon named Acathla. Buffy tried to stop him and the two fought. In an attempt to help Buffy, Willow restored Angel’s soul, but it was too late, and Buffy was forced to kill Angel, sending him to Hell (Becoming). She left Sunnydale, but came back when events in L.A. made her face up to her responsibilities.
Back in Sunnydale, Buffy met a new Slayer, Faith. The two initially fought side by side but jealousy of Buffy made Faith turn to the dark side. She teamed up with the evil Mayor and the two plotted his Ascension on Graduation Day. Buffy and Faith fought, and Buffy stabbed Faith, putting her in a coma. She then destroyed the Mayor (Graduation Day (Part 2)). Angel left her, realising they could never have a normal life together.
Buffy went to college where she met Riley Finn, who was part of a secret Government experiment called the Initiative. She then received a sister called Dawn, who was The Key, made into human form by some monks. They shaped everyuone’s memories to accomodate Dawn. Buffy’s mother died suddenly (The Body), leaving her responsible for her sister’s welfare. Riley left Buffy, as he realised she didn’t need him properly (Into the Woods).
Buffy sacrificed herself to save the world when Dawn was in danger (The Gift), but Willow used a complicated resurrection spell to bring her back (Bargaining). Buffy revealed she was actually in heaven. She became very depressed and started a disastrous secret affair with her old vampire nemesis Spike. Buffy eventually broke off her sexual relationship with Spike, as she was using him, but the two continued to work together.
Buffy has saved the world on numerous occasions, and was last seen fighting evil in Italy.
Played by: Sarah Michelle Gellar Appeared in: Every episode
August 15th, 2005 at 10:40 pm
I’m sorry, but I haven’t seen every thing that there is to see in Buffy. so, when does she appear fighting evil in Italy?
August 15th, 2005 at 10:43 pm
Oh, you can see her in National Lampoon’s Italian Vampire Slaying Vacation. Also, I think the cast of MTV’s The Real World: MIlan, had the cast taking a road trip to find Buffy.
August 15th, 2005 at 10:50 pm
September 1st, 2005 at 11:21 am
But Angel appears in every season of Buffy!!
September 5th, 2005 at 12:08 pm
Buffy & Angel 4EVER:
Angel doesn’t appear in season 6 of buffy.
September 5th, 2005 at 1:33 pm
Ya but he calls Buffy and they meet somewhere inbetween L.A. and Sunnydale
September 5th, 2005 at 2:25 pm
that’s not the same as APPEARING in an episode…you do know that Sarah would have been acting and that there wasn’t really anyone on the other end of the phone!!
November 17th, 2005 at 1:26 am
Love Sarah Michelle Gellar…
just because she is a great actress and I really could relate with a lot of personal things she went trough… not the demons and vampire things ofcourse
November 20th, 2005 at 3:46 pm
She’s amazing…!
Buffy really deals well with all that has happened in her life.
Ok. sometimes she runs away, sometimes she uses vampires sexuelly, but realative. I really don’t think I would have been able to kill things all night long. To sensetiv..She might not have a choice but she still does it well and faithfully. She’s my hero! haha
November 20th, 2005 at 3:48 pm
as it says “she was last seen in Italy fighting evil” This happends in the Angel season 5 episode “The girl in question”
December 26th, 2005 at 8:58 pm
“Shame that she couldn’t give up her time to appear in Angel although when she did have the time and said to Joss she could come back for the final episode he refused because he didn’t want Angel to be remembered as “The Buffy Spin-Off”. I can see his point but its a shame that she never came back after season 1 of Angel.”
I heard different to this. I heard that she was asked to appear in the last episode of Angel, because David appeared in the last episode of Buffy, but she was in Japan filming The Grudge.
December 29th, 2005 at 10:37 pm
Ok, what is everyone’s favourite Buffy line/clip… Mine has gotta be in Anne (S2) when she is down in the slaves’ factory-type place and she’s lined up with the rest of the street kids. They all get asked who they are and they’re so afriad they say “No-one”, and then the camera pans to Buffy and she looks up and just goes “I’m Buffy, the Vampire Slayer.. and you are?” - LOVE IT!! She’s so hot during that part - gggrrr, and just saves the day yet again :o)
December 30th, 2005 at 1:22 am
Do you mean favorite line/clip from Buffy the character herself?
When she get’s on stage to accept her award in The Prom and she’s in that beautiful dress is definately one, as well as when the master bites her in Prophesy Girl, and when she jumps off the tower in The Gift.
December 30th, 2005 at 9:13 am
I might have to go with the scene in “Checkpoint” when she tells Quentin Travers and the other lame watchers that there’s not going to be any more tests and stuff. That whole scene is so cool (and the cheering from the other scoobies is just awesome.) That might be the scene where Buffy is at her coolest and hottest. It’s really great. Also, “Anne” is from season three, not season two (but that is really a great choice for best moment.)
December 30th, 2005 at 5:31 pm
Oh yeah, sorry, I meant S3!! Doh!! It was past my bedtime!
Yeah the scene where Buffy accepts her award at school is fab, she looks lovely in that dress, and Checkpoint is definitely a great moment too - especially the “I want an answer from Quentin, I think he’s understanding me” or whatever that line is - ggrrr, Go Buffy!! (Oh and the throwing the sword at one of those Council members - “I’m pretty sure I said No Interuptions” - te he he I love it!!
December 30th, 2005 at 6:49 pm
lol favourite buffy line has to be in once more with feeling, when she says something like ‘well i’m not exactly quacking in my stylish yet afordable boots but something unatural is deffnately going on, and that doesn’t usualy lead to hugs and puppies!’ i love that line so much, i mean its not as though its hilarious or anything its just one of my personal faves!
December 30th, 2005 at 7:04 pm
Hrm.. it’s really hard to decied my favourite quote of Buffy. There’s 154 episodes to choose from!
This one’s good:
- Is he evil?
as she said about Weasly.
December 30th, 2005 at 7:40 pm
Erm… 144 episodes… (unless there’s an extra ten i’ve never ever seen?!)…
But yeah that is a good one.
And when Giles says Wesley has the emotinal maturity of a blueberry scone, bless him!! Did anyone see the interview in a recent Buffy Mag with Anthony Head & Alexis Denisof? It was pretty good. They were a great comedy act!
December 30th, 2005 at 7:54 pm
I saw the interview when they were saying how much they enjoyed working with each other, and you’re right they are a great comedy duo!
December 30th, 2005 at 8:55 pm
Ooh ooh Ooh, just remembered a couple more featuring Giles & Wes (and had to watch the episode again - just to make sure ;o)
Bad Girls (Season 3 Ep. 14):
Giles: You seem to know a lot about them.
Wes: I didn’t get this job because of my looks.
Buffy: I really, really believe that.
Giles: If you want to criticise my methods, fine. But keep your snide remarks to yourself. And while you’re at it, don’t criticise my methods.
Absolutely classic :o)
January 23rd, 2006 at 8:39 pm
You’re right, it’s 144 episodes. My bad.
I just came up with a good Buffy quote: “Giles are you breaking up with your car?” Season 5, Real Me, I think.
January 31st, 2006 at 2:46 am
ange242 your right it is real me 5.02 it is .
April 14th, 2006 at 6:39 pm
Today is Sarah’s (Buffy) birthday for those of you who know or remember. So, HAPPY Birthday Sarah! (29)
May 30th, 2006 at 11:14 am
I think this dialogue between Buffy and Giles in Teachers Pet (S1) is good….well actually more funny
GILES: That’s all he said? Fork Guy?
BUFFY: That’s all Cryptic Guy said: Fork Guy.
GILES: I think there are too many ‘guys’ in your life.
June 25th, 2006 at 4:09 am
Actually, she was supposed to appear mid-S5 but couldn’t make it because there was a death in her family. They, after Angel was cancelled, she was supposed to return for eps 20 and 21 but couldn’t because she was in Japan filming. She came back in time for the finale but Joss refused to put Buffy in it.