

Chloe was a very young, dark-haired potential, first seen in Showtime. Kennedy shouted at her when she couldn’t keep up with the other potential’s training. Chloe hung herself in Get It Done when the First’s plan got too much for her.

Appeared in: Showtime, Get It Done
Related Trivia:
  • The First taunts
  • Winnie the Pooh
  • Kathleen Wilhoite
  • No Giles
  • Lalaine
  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 18th May 2005
    Updated: › 8th March, 2006
    Hits: › 611  

    One Comment about “Chloe”

    1. Wynter says:

      Idiot. I’m sorry but the whole suicide thing? Just no. What in the hell did she think that would achieve? I know she doubted Buffy’s ability to fight The First and keep the girls safe in Showtime, but she was there for the big fight at the end of it. You’d think she would’ve had some faith in her!! Stupid cow.

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