Principal Snyder pressures the kids of Sunnydale High into selling bars of chocolate to raise funds for the school marching band. Soon after, the gang notices that Sunnydale’s adults are acting strangely, and we discover that Ethan Rayne is back in town. It turns out that the chocolate is cursed, reverting those who eat it into teenagers, and the total lack of responsibility that entails.
Oz: "They're teenagers. It's a sobering mirror to look into, huh?"
Behind the Scenes Trivia
Kristine’s favourite episodes
Kristine Sutherland’s (Joyce) favourite Buffy episodes are Ted, Band Candy and When She Was Bad.
Love torches
Just before Buffy used the gas pipe to destroy the demon in Band Candy she said, “I love that you guys love torches”. This line was deleted from the final cut of the episode.
Cast and Crew Trivia
Peg Stewart
Peg Stewart, who played Miss Barton in the episode Band Candy, has also been in Charmed, The Norm Show, Frasier, The A-Team and CHiPs.
Character Trivia

Ethan Rayne
Ethan was an old college friend of Giles, or ‘Ripper’ as he called him. The two used to hang out, worshipping demons and creating dark magic spells. After Giles went on the straight and narrow, Ethan continued his bad ways. He occasionally came to Sunnydale to cause havoc, such as turning people into their Halloween costumes, enchanting Band Candy to turn adults into teenagers, and turning Giles into a Fyarl demon (A New Man). Ethan was extremely powerful magically, but had no physical strength so would flee after creating chaos. He was arrested and removed to a secret military base in Nevada by the Initiative in A New Man, never to be seen on the show again. We never found out what happened to Ethan.
Miss Barton
Miss Barton was a teacher who became heavily influenced by the drugged Band Candy. She dismissed Study Hall (called Principal Snyder a “commandant”) and was later seen in the Bronze saying, “Oh, I’m cool, Willow. Willow… That’s a tree. You’re a tree! Yeah…are there any nachos in here, little tree?”
When the two friends are touching feet under the table in Band Candy, both Willow and Xander are wearing the same Adidas shoes except that Willow’s are orange and Xander’s are black. Maybe they shop together.
Angel’s Hope
In Band Candy, Angel mentions Scott Hope to Buffy, who still hasn’t told him they broke up in Homecoming.
Driving Miss Buffy
Buffy drives for the first time in the show in the episode Band Candy. She also drives in the season seven episode Him, and whilst in Faith’s body in Who Are You.

Giles and Joyce
Whilst under the influence of the drugged Band Candy, Giles and Joyce have sex on the hood of a police car. Twice. Buffy discovers this in Earshot when she reads her mother’s mind, and later mentions it again to Giles when she’s in Faith’s body in Who Are You?
Giles’s place
The first time we see Giles’s home is in The Dark Age. In Band Candy, a courtyard outside Giles’s apartment can be seen where there once were stairs. His place became the focal point for the Scoobies in season four. The final time we see Giles’ apartment in the series is in the episode Forever.
Giles’s tattoo
Giles’s tattoo, the mark of Eyghon, can be seen in the episodes Band Candy and Goodbye, Iowa. It was first seen in The Dark Age.
Good taste
Joyce tells Giles he has good music albums when she’s looking through them in Band Candy. This is also noted by Oz and Xander in the episode The Harsh Light of Day.
Locker girl
We see one of Cordelia’s homecoming queen posters from Homecoming hanging in Xander’s locker in Band Candy.

Spiritual Angel
The exercise Angel is doing in the courtyard of the mansion in Band Candy, is T’ai Chi Ch’uan, a Chinese martial art which is also used as a form of Taoist yoga. Snyder later says in that episode he learnt “Tae Kwan Do at the Y” - a marked contrast to Angel. In Revelations Buffy and Angel do T’ai Chi together, before it gets too sexy for them.
We also see Angel performing T’ai Chi in the Angel episode In the Dark.
Trick who?
Although she didn’t hear his name in either Faith, Hope and Trick or Homecoming, Buffy seems to know who Mr. Trick is when Ethan mentions him in Band Candy. They meet for the first time later in that episode.
Weird candy
Why did all the ‘teenage’ adults in Band Candy speak and act as though their teenage years were spent during the 1970s, regardless of their age?
Music Trivia

Giles and Joyce listened to Cream’s “Tales of Brave Ulysses” together in Band Candy. In season five’s Forever, the episode after Joyce’s death, we see Giles silently listening to this song again in a tribute to his dead friend, and the memories he had of her.
Every Bit of Nothing
In Band Candy, when Snyder says Oz has cool hair, the song “Slip Jimmy” by Every Bit of Nothing can be heard in the background. This comes from the album Austamosta.

Four Star Mary
The music for Oz’s band Dingoes Ate My Baby was provided by real-life band Four Star Mary. James Marsters has performed with them on stage (off screen) a few times. The band themselves appeared in the season four finale Restless, as the band who play with Giles during the Exposition Song.
Four Star Mary songs can be heard in the following Buffy episodes:
- Inca Mummy Girl - The songs ‘Shadows’ and ‘Fate’ at the Cultural party in The Bronze.
- Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered - ‘Pain’ is heard in The Bronze.
- Dead Man’s Party - The Dingoes mime to ‘Pain’, ‘Nevermind’ and ‘Sway’ at Buffy’s party.
- Homecoming - we hear the song ‘She Knows’ at the Homecoming Dance - it’s the song Oz wrote for Willow.
- Living Conditions - ‘Pain is heard when Buffy and Willow move into their dorm room.
- Band Candy - the Dingoes mime onstage at The Bronze to ‘Violent’, when the adults are acting weirdly.
- Revelations - Dingoes Ate My Baby perform ‘Run’ in The Bronze at the start of the episode.
- The Harsh Light of Day - ‘Dilate’ is played at the Bronze at the start of the episode.
- The Initiative - Riley gets the song ‘Fate’ turned off at the party as it upsets Willow.
Louis Louis
In Band Candy, a group of adults sing “Louis Louis” by The Kingsmen on stage at The Bronze.
Mad Cow
Mad Cow’s song “Blasé” (from the album Eureka) can be heard in Band Candy as the gang are discussing the SAT’s.
Mythology Trivia
Lurconis was a massive snakelike demon that lived in Sunnydale’s sewers. The Mayor had made a deal with it to offer a tribute of live babies every thirty years. Mr Trick hired Ethan Rayne to distract the population of Sunnydale whilst the tribute took place in Band Candy. Buffy killed Lurconis by lighting an exposed gas pipe in the sewer and torching it. Lurconis means ‘Glutton’.

A Christmas Carol
In Band Candy, the Scoobies ran into Principal Snyder who was giving students chocolate to sell. Xander said, “You weren’t visited by the Ghost of Christmas Past, by any chance?” He’s referring to the Charles Dickens novel A Christmas Carol, in which a man named Scrooge changes his miserly ways after being visited by three ghosts who show him his past, present and future.
In Gone, Buffy paraphrases a famous line from A Christmas Carol when she says, “I am the ghost of fashion victims past”.
In Band Candy, Principal Snyder mentions Barbarino (”Call me Snyder. Just a last name. Like Barbarino”) who was a character played by John Travolta in the TV series Welcome Back, Kotter.
Burt Reynolds
Joyce tells Giles in Band Candy that he’s like actor Burt Reynolds, just after he takes the gun from the cop.

Death of a Salesman
Death of a Salesman is a play by Arthur Miller, first performed in 1949. It is the story of the final days of Willy Loman, an unhappy travelling salesman. The play is referred to twice in Buffy: in Band Candy, Buffy name checks Willy Loman when faced with selling chocolate bars, and in Willow’s dream in Restless, she dreams that she has a role in a school production of the play. It is directed by Giles (wearing a cravat), and includes Riley dressed as a cowboy, Buffy dressed as a 1920s flapper girl and Harmony as a milk-maid/vampire.
Juice Newton
In Band Candy, Joyce mentions Juice Newton when looking at the coat in the shop window. Newton was a country and pop singer in the 80s.

Some graffiti at the school in Band Candy says ‘Kiss rocks’, which Willow notices (”Why would anybody want to kiss… oh, wait. I get it”). Kiss were a glam metal group formed in the early 70s whose trademark was wearing black and white paint on their faces.
Seals and Croft
Joyce asks Giles if he likes Seals and Croft in Band Candy. They were a 70s group whose most famous song was ‘Summer Breeze’.
The Real World
In Band Candy, Buffy compares her life to The Real World, a reference to the MTV reality TV show which films a group of strangers living in a house together.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show
In Band Candy, Buffy says, “Let’s do the time warp again!” when she and Willow enter the Bronze to find it full of teenage-adults. This is a reference to a song from the musical The Rocky Horror Show.
In Anne, Lily wears a T-shirt which is partially hidden by her sweater. The T-Shirt has the Denton sign (a Heart with the phrase “The Home of Happiness”) from The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Anthony Stewart Head (Giles) played Frank-N-Furter in the RHPS in London in the early 1990s.
Seen at 00.25 minutes:
In the teaser for Band Candy, we see Buffy’s practice page for the SAT’s - but there are no answers completed, and the answers don’t appear to correspond to the question Gils asks.
Seen at 10.37 minutes:
When Joyce and Giles are lecturing Buffy, the jumper around Joyce’s neck goes up and down her shoulder without her touching it.
Seen at 29.33 minutes:
In Band Candy, when the Scoobies are researching in the library, Xander hands Willow an old book and the two have a little “moment” together. If you look at the book, you can see that it is entitled ‘Demon Dimention’. Is that really how you spelled dimension in the old days?
Seen at 30.15 minutes:
How did Ethan get inside the wooden box in such a short space of time?
Seen at 37.53 minutes:
When Buffy stakes the two vamps in the sewers, she stakes them much too low to hit their hearts but they die anyway.
Oz: "They're teenagers. It's a sobering mirror to look into, huh?"
Snyder: "Whoa, Summers! You drive like a spaz!"
Buffy: "Giles at sixteen? Less Together Guy, more Bad-Magic-Hates-The-World-Ticking-Time-Bomb Guy."
Willow: "'Kiss rocks'? Why would anyone want to kiss... Oh, wait. I get it."
Buffy: "Something's weird."
Oz: "Something's not?"
Xander: "I don't get this. This candy's supposed to make you all immature and stuff, but I ate a ton and I don't feel any diff... never mind."