After a case of mistaken identity leads Angel to slay a demon protecting an innocent girl, karaoke is the only way to make things right. Meanwhile, Angel struggles with the discovery that he may not always be eternal and Darla recovers from her resurrection from Hell.
Airdate: | 26 September, 2000 |
Writer: | David Greenwalt (teleplay and story) and Joss Whedon (story) |
Director: | Michael Lange |
Angel: I had to sing Barry Manilow.
Faith: You're kidding.
Angel: In front of people.
Faith: And here I am, talking about my petty little problems.
Behind the Scenes Trivia
Angel’s mirror trick
The script’s stage directions for Judgement explain how the mirrored walls of the health club should be affected:
We see Wes and Cor and the manager moving toward us, people working out, etc, but no Angel. SWISH PAN away from this reflection (and hide the cut in the swish pan) and DISCOVER Angel where he belongs, in front of Wes and Cor, stopping a few feet in front of the mirror.
End credits
Cast listings in the closing credits in TV shows are usually reserved only for background characters with unimportant parts, or those with no speaking roles, but occasionally main characters are listed there when their appearance is to be a surprise. Examples of this in the Buffyverse are in Two To Go, in which Giles makes a dramatic entrance at the end of the episode; the Angel episode Judgement, in which Faith (Eliza Dushku) is visited by Angel; and There’s No Place Like Plrtz Glrb, in which Willow appears at at the very end of the episode. In Destiny, Christian Kane’s name was omitted from the opening credits to make his character Lindey’s arrival a surprise.
Cast and Crew Trivia

Andy Hallett
Andrew Alcott Hallett was born on August 4th, 1975 on the small Cape Cod town of Osterville. Andy first sang when Patti LaBelle invited him onstage at a concert in Boston. Her praise boosted his confidence and Andy decided to sing more often. After moving to Los Angeles, Andy had a few jobs and a couple of non-speaking roles in commercials. Then Joss Whedon saw Andy sing in a Universal City Blues revue called BB King’s and thought of the part of the Host. Months later Joss approached Andy in an airport and offered him his first big time acting position as the Host on Angel.
Andy also appeared in Amber Benson’s Chance as Jack, and as an extra in the lecture hall scene (when Joss needed as many people as he could get) in Buffy episode Hush.
Matthew James
Matthew James played snitch-demon Merl in Judgement, Redefinition, That Old Gang of Mine, Heartthrob, The Thin Dead Line and Blood Money. He played The Dude in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, with Eliza Dushku, and has appeared in Clean and Til Night.
Character Trivia

Lorne, also known as The Host, owned a demon/human karaoke bar and sanctuary called Caritas. His incredible singing voice and flamboyant ways were perfect for the bar - the setting of which also enabled him to help others, as he could ‘read’ them when they sang. When Cordelia was transported to his home dimension of Pylea, Lorne revealed that he was Krevlorneswath of the Deathwok Clan. Lorne’s nature as a pacifist - plus his love of music - made him miserable at home, and when a portal to L.A. opened - he took it.
Lorne’s bar was destroyed - three times - by Angel Investigations and he eventually went to live in the Hyperion with them. There, he helped Angel’s team by reading them through song where necessary. After a hostile Connor moved into the hotel, Lorne decided to leave for Las Vegas, but needed help to return when it was discovered that he was actually being kept captive there.
When the gang joined Wolfram & Hart Lorne became head of the entertainment division. After Fred’s death Lorne became very quiet and reserved, wanting to leave his lifestyle behind. He agreed to play a part in the final mission versus the Circle of the Black Thorn, but said he would disappear afterwards. After helping Lindsey defeat Sahvrin, Lorne revealed his final task - to kill Lindsey, telling him that he would never be a part of the solution. Disillusioned, Lorne walked away from the massacre to an uncertain future.

Merl was a tongue-less parasite demon, whose snitchy services were often used by Angel Investigations, sometimes for money, sometimes using physical and verbal violence. He hung around mostly at Lorne’s karaoke bar, Caritas.
Merl was not evil, but his services were easily brought, making him untrustworthy. n That Old Gang of Mine, Merl was once again used for information by Angel, who hung him upside down. He demanded an apology from Angel, and when Angel went to visit him the next day to make up, he found Merl dead. Merl had been killed by Gunn’s old demon hunting gang, who had begun to unnecessarily kill peaceful demons.
End of the tunnel
Both Angel and Buffy paraphrase the sentence “Light at the end of the tunnel”:
In Hell’s Bells, whilst tying Xander’s tie, Buffy says, “You and Anya give me hope. It’s like… you two are proof that there’s light at the end of this very long, long, nasty tunnel.” Then, when Xander leaves Anya, she says, “They were supposed to be my light at the end of the tunnel. I guess they were a train.”
In Judgement, a moody Angel says:
Angel: “I thought I was out of the tunnel.”
Cordelia: “Sure you did… because the tunnel is - you know, it’s something we all… Are we talking real tunnel or symbolic? Just give me that much.”
Angel: “I saw the light at the end of the tunnel - that some day I might become human. That light was so bright, I thought I was already out.”
He killed me
In Judgement, Darla says of Angel, “He killed me. I remember now - with a soul in his heart.” This occurred in the Buffy episode Angel.
Music Trivia
Barry Manilow
The first song Angel first sings in Caritas in the episode Judgement is “Mandy” revealing his secret shame - a love of Barry Manilow (”I think it’s kinda pretty”). He also listens to the song in the episode Orpheus, and sings a version for Jasmine in The Magic Bullet.
I Will Survive
When we first see Lorne in Judgement, he sings Gloria Gaynor’s song “I Will Survive” in his demon-karaoke bar Caritas. During the song, he also says:
“Oh, you know what I’m talking about. In this city you better learn to get along. Because LA’s got it all: The glamour and the grit, the big breaks and the heartaches, the sweet young lovers and the nasty, ugly, hairy fiends that suck out your brain through your face. It’s all part of the big wacky variety show we call - Los Angeles. You never know what’s coming next. And lets admit it folks: Isn’t that why we love it?”
I’m So Excited
A demon called Liz sings “I’m So Excited” by the Pointer Sisters in caritas in Judgement.
Sexual Healing
In Judgement, the hunch-backed demon Mordar the Bentback sings Marvin Gaye’s “Sexual Healing” in Caritas.
Mythology Trivia
Prio Motu demons
Prio Motu demons are ancient Ofga-beasts “bred to maim and massacre”. The Prio Motu we see in Judgement, Kamal, was a rare exception to this rule - he was Jo’s champion until Angel killed him, believeing he was trying to hurt her. Information about Prio Motu demons can be found in the book Suleman’s Compendium.
The Enemy Below
Lorne says in Judgement, “Well who’s a little Curd? Who’s a little Curd Jürgens in The Enemy Below?” He’s referencing the German actor who starred in the 1957 submarine action film The Enemy Below.
Seen at 10.26 minutes:
When we see Lorne in Caritas in Judegement, his handkerchief is on his left side but when we see him next (10:46) it’s on his right side.
Cordelia: Sorry, duty calls.
Lilah: Of course, if you don't sign we'll sue your ass off and kill your children.
Angel: Huh, no reflection. I'll fix that.
Guy in gym: That guy has horns.
Angel: Steroids. Not good for you.
Angel: You've got your steam, you've got your sauna, your hot towels, how bad can it be?
Cordelia: You shower with a bunch of men.
Angel: I'll always be a loner.
Darla: He killed me. I remember now. With a soul in his heart.
Darla: Angel. It's been a long time. I'd love to see that boy.
Cordelia: Dennis is very sensitive. He's just trying to help. He more of a person than a G-H-O-S-T.
Cordelia: Oh goodie - a pit bull.
Cordelia: Maybe it's time to visit your stooly. Make with the chin music until he canaries. I've been watching a little noir festival on Bravo.
Host: How fabulous would I look in that coat?
Angel: I help people.
Wesley: What, are we supposed to think that a creature like that can suddenly change it's modus operandi overnight and turn into some noble protector and defender of… oh God.
Gunn: You should probably go home now.
Angel: Yeah look, I got cards and an office -- well the office blew up, but we're working out of this apartment on Silver Lake.
Cordelia: "Gun." It really lets them know you mean business.
Gunn: It's my name.
Cordelia: You can't see everything. You're just a vampire like everyone else. That didn't come out right.
Cordelia: Yeah, we all got a little cocky didn't we. It's gonna be a long while until you work your way out. But I know you well enough to know you will. And I'll be with you until you do.
Host: My question first, and tell the truth because you know I'll know: Why "Mandy?"
Angel: I know the words. And, I think it's kinda pretty.
Angel: I had to sing Barry Manilow.
Faith: You're kidding.
Angel: In front of people.
Faith: And here I am, talking about my petty little problems.