Andrew on Faith


There are many flashbacks to previous episodes in Dirty Girls when Andrew describes Faith’s past to the potentials. The episodes include Faith, Hope and Trick, Revelations, The Zeppo, Bad Girls, Consequences, Enemies, Choices and This Year’s Girl.
Andrew’s speech goes as follows: “Faith, her name alone invokes awe. Faith: a set of principles or beliefs upon which you’re willing to devote your life. The Dark Slayer. A lethal combination of beauty, power and death. For years and years - or to be more accurate - months, Faith fought on the side of good, terrorizing the evil community. But like so many tragic heroes, Faith was seduced by the lure of the dark side. She wrapped evil around her like a large evil Mexican serape. She became a cold-blooded killer. Nobody was immune to her trail of destruction. Not friends, not family, not even the most pacifist and logical of races.”

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  • Faith dead?
  • All my Faith
  • Andrew J. Ferchland
  • Andrew Wells
  • Suggested by: Jess
    Added: › 18th July 2005
    Updated: › 8th March, 2006
    Hits: › 326  

    One Comment about “Andrew on Faith”

    1. hannah_wish01 says:

      andrew is so funny, if only he was introduced much earlier in the buffy saga!!, and when he mixes up the volcan and volcanologist shortly after this speech, that is one of my all time favourite lines of his, plus he is adorable in a hole ‘used to be “evil”‘ way.

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