![]() Spike was a vampire who teamed up with his insane girlfriend Drusilla to kill Buffy. He posed a real threat as he had previously killed two Slayers. Things started to go wrong for Spike. Dru left him, and he was captured by a secret Government agency who placed a chip in his head which rendered him harmless, and also helpless (The Initiative). He and the Scoobies despised each other but needed each other too. He needed Buffy for protection from the Initiative and they needed his strength (he could still hurt demons). Eventually he realised he had a crush on Buffy which turned into actual love. When Buffy returned from the dead she found the only person she could relate to was Spike, and ended up having sex with him (Smashed). Buffy was disgusted with herself but couldn’t stop. When she eventually broke it off with Spike, he attempted to rape her then left the country (Seeing Red). Spike went to Africa and got his soul back, went mad and was found by Buffy (Lessons). The Slayer tried to help him and he helped her to fight the First. Buffy realised she respected Spike and told him she loved him, just as he sacrificed himself to defeat the First’s army of Turok-Han. Spike died, knowing she didn’t mean it but appreciating the thought (Chosen). Spike mysteriously appeared in Angel’s office in L.A. via the amulet. Now non-corporeal, Spike was inexplicably bound to the law firm and his nemesis, Angel. Spike lurked the offices of Wolfram and Hart, until another mail delivery suddenly made him corporeal. Spike and Angel engaged in their age-old rivalry and competed for the Shanshu prophecy. After a lifetime of coming second to Angel, Spike finally beat Angel only to discover that their tip-off about the prophecy was a ruse. Spike and Angel were faced with trying to keep Fred from dying when an Old One known as Illyria possessed her. They formed an uneasy partnership and put aside their issues to find her cure - a quest that proved to be impossible. Devastated by the loss of Fred, they returned to the law firm changed and determined to fight the Senior Partners. Spike also took on the role of testing Illyria’s power and abilities. ASftyre a trip to Italy, Spike and Angel called a truce over Buffy’s heart and return home to LA to prepare for the final, brutal stand against The Circle of the Black Thorn. Spike was the first to volunteer to fight with Angel against the Partners. He did his part by taking out the Fell and then met Angel, Gunn and Illyria for their last stand against the armies of hell. Played by: James MarstersAppeared in: School Hard, Halloween, Lie to Me, What's My Line? (Part 1), What's My Line? (Part 2), Surprise, Innocence, Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered, Passion, I Only Have Eyes For You, Becoming (Part 1), Becoming (Part 2), Lover's Walk, The Harsh Light of Day, Wild at Heart, The Initiative, Pangs, Something Blue, Hush, Doomed, A New Man, The I in Team, Goodbye, Iowa, This Year's Girl, Who Are You?, Superstar, Where the Wild Things Are, New Moon Rising, The Yoko Factor, Primeval, Restless, then every episode in season five (except The Body), season six and season seven. |
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Suggested by: | › Jess |
Added: | › 11th September 2004 |
Updated: | › 9th April, 2006 |
Hits: | › 5363 |
August 14th, 2005 at 2:41 am
I think she loved Spike, but not in the way he loved her. She loved (loves) Angel in a ‘true love’ kind of way, the same way Angel and Spike loved her. Spike thought maybe she did/could love him the way he loved her but after seeing her kissing Angel after she killed Caleb, he realized she would always love Angel and would never really love him the same way.
Personally, I would choose (souled) Spike. Come on: Whiney, tortured soul or someone that would protect me and all those I love, and thats just when he’s evil. Spike went out and fought for a soul and Angel just whined. Sorry, getting of subject here. :)
August 16th, 2005 at 8:46 pm
I agree. Spike had a soul for a year. Angel had his for a century. Just get over it already! You can only say “That wasn’t me, that was a deamon named Angelus” so many times and still whine about how tortured you are.
I think the writers may have realised that too by the time season 5 of Angel rolled around, what with the way Angel turns into a hack in a suit with no personality while Spike steals every scene.
August 24th, 2005 at 9:44 pm
I’m not sure if this is right place, but I read in an interview with Joss Whedon in the Sunday Times Culture Magazine that Joss is talking to James Marsters about a possible Spike Movie. How awesome would that be?
August 25th, 2005 at 12:43 am
Thats true - but Joss is too busy with Xmen 3 and Wonderwoman so the writing is being handled by Tim Minear. I have just read an interview online that seems to say that James has signed up for it and the wheels are now in motion. There are regular updates on angel-btvs.co.uk if you want to check it out
August 25th, 2005 at 10:10 am
Joss has nothing to do with X Men 3… He is writing astonishing X-Men. Unless of course fox had to get another writer for the third x movie.
August 25th, 2005 at 1:32 pm
o ok, must have misread the articles about Joss working on xmen…just thought it was the new movie…thanks for correcting me saintsaucey.
September 4th, 2005 at 2:34 am
Last thing I heard, James was totally up for a Spike movie and said if it was going to be made, it needed to be soon because he is starting to show his age and as all of us know, vampires don’t age. It seems everyone is waiting on Joss.
September 4th, 2005 at 12:15 pm
Abby - any Spike movie would have to involve David Boreaneaz, Amy Acker and J.August Richards, at least as guest stars in order to get him out of the alleyway. I’m sure that’s easier said than done.
Unless they did a historical one… but thenyou’d have to have Spike as the bad guy, which kinda defies the point of a film about him.
If they did a Spike film and attempted to fudge the bits where they needed the Angel cast (Soul Purpose and The Girl in Question anyone?), then it would certainly be a huge damnper on the project.
September 4th, 2005 at 12:24 pm
Puja is right - if the other characters had to have lines dubbed in with look-a-likes body parts on screen then a great idea of a spike movie could be ruined…but from what I have read it sounds as though Joss and James are both keen to start the process…lets just hope it happens and that they do not have to make comprimises!!
September 4th, 2005 at 12:34 pm
I can’t see why a Spike movie is such a popular idea with everyone - surely his story was pretty much completed after his years on Buffy? I for one was pretty sick of the character, particularly when he moved to Angel.
September 4th, 2005 at 4:28 pm
I agree with Jess. Although a prequel wouldn’t be so bad…if it was done properly, putting Spike at all kinds of events in history and how he affected them, kind of like Forrest Gump meets Interview with a Vampire (okay, that’s a joke). But seriously, we could see him all over the world and at Woodstock where he bites a hippie and trips out.
September 5th, 2005 at 3:04 am
Jess: I think people are grasping at the idea of a Spike movie because they don’t want the Buffyverse to end.
I’m not sure it’d be a brilliant idea to have a Spike film, but that’s because he was so tied up with the events of Angel Season 5, that he couldn’t be extricated easily. I disagree with Jess; I think that soulful Spike was never properly explored on Buffy Season 7 and that his character still had a lot more story left in him, one of the reasons why he was so good in Angel.
Then again, I guess no-one really got that much characterisation in Buffy Season 7…
September 7th, 2005 at 9:48 pm
Apperently, nothing has been signed yet but everyone involved is eager for it to happen. I’d be very suprised if the movie isn’t made.
The only problem would be dealing with what happens in the alleyway at the end of Angel (presuming its not a prequel), I’d prefer the outcome of the alleyway battle to stay as a mystery.
October 27th, 2005 at 7:18 am
For those who were sick of Spike’s character, I’m sorry, but his character was the most in-depth, well played of the series. I think there are many more layers to Spike than we had the chance to know. As Joss said in the DVD extras, the writers wrote Spike as they experienced him, so clearly his character was not played out. I have a questions however, was Spike “the Doctor” in this episode or did this in some way refer to Joey Grey’s “the Docotr” from season five. Is there more to the demon egg story than we know?
October 27th, 2005 at 7:52 am
Just wanted to mention that “The Doctor” mentioned in “As You Were” is certainly Spike and not Joel Grey’s character from season five. However, I see how it could be confusing (I, for one, have never liked the name “Doctor” because it’s cheesy and so imaginative, much like the episode itself.)
October 28th, 2005 at 4:02 pm
When Spike had the chip, he was still evil inside he just couldn’t be physically evil. By killing people and stuff.
But also, if Angelus had never been cursed, then he and Darla probably would have stayed w/ Spike and Dru longer and when they came to Sunnydale, Angelus and Darla might have been there with them.
October 28th, 2005 at 4:11 pm
I agree. I think Spike is the better vampire as he ultimately had the choice.
November 15th, 2005 at 2:15 am
I must admit that spike is one hot looking guy and i did like him when he started to become part of the scooby gang and a little before than , but personally i would prefer angel to anybody any day whether he is angel or angelus
November 15th, 2005 at 2:19 am
Is there going to be a Spike movie? My friend Olivia told me that there was. She said that she gets the Buffy mag and it said that there was…anybody know anything?
November 21st, 2005 at 12:10 am
I liked Spike more then I liked Angel…
bith buieatiful men but the character Spike was more interesting, my opinion so dont shoot me
December 30th, 2005 at 5:27 pm
Spike is one of my favourite characters; from the very first time he turns up in Sunnydale I’m glued to the screen because he/James has such a presence. I loved Spike when he was bad and was with Dru (which I’ve previously commented on another string). Spike and Buffy made a lovely couple, even if their ‘relationship’ was only a short and casual one. It is a lovely moment at the end of Chosen when Buffy realises Spike is going to be destroyed, and she tells him she loves him. We all know, and he knows that she doesn’t mean it the way he wants her to but it’s still a beautiful scene.
I was so pleased that Spike turned up in Angel. His introduction to the series was pretty funny, and he was on top form to the end…
Personally I would love to see a Spike movie, as long as the continuity was really done well, and a lot of care was taken to make sure everything tied in right. I just hope that should a film be made, the characters they use are good enough to make it believable, as all of us hard core Buffy fans will no doubt be ready to point out mistakes and errors in continuity.
James Marsters is yummy, and I can’t wait to see more of him in whatever else he chooses to do.
December 31st, 2005 at 5:06 pm
Spike is deffinately my favorite charactor in this show. Plus he is hot. So is Angel, but Spike is mean in a good kind of way lol. If you all know what im trying to say. =P
February 3rd, 2006 at 9:55 am
William the Bloody is by far one of the best characters in the show, until he got all sappy for buffy and such…. but even then he still kicked some major ass… not to mention he got drunk like all the time… that makes him more real, i think
February 15th, 2006 at 5:40 pm
Complex as Spike is, I love him just as much.
February 16th, 2006 at 5:52 am
“until he got all sappy for buffy and stuff”
He wasn’t sappy, he loved her. When was he sappy? Season five he was just obsessed with her and season six they were sleeping together and season seven he had a soul. I love Spike, especially when he was “sappy.” I thought it was great how for such a mean evil badass vampire, he was sweet. Especially in season seven, when Buffy realized that she actaully did love him. Plus, James Marsters is so hot.
February 17th, 2006 at 4:23 am
Who doesn’t?
I mean, besides the people who don’t. Like my friends and hopefully my Spanish teacher, who made a remark about “his sister and husband” and was questioned thoroughly about it later. It was a verbal typo.
February 17th, 2006 at 5:29 am
Re: the Freudian implications. It was even funnier though cause everyone says he’s gay and there was hysterical laughter (he just thought it was because he said something “silly”). Also, there’s a wacky rumor that he’s dating one of the math teachers. It’s a lame rumor though because there aren’t that many. There was also one about this kid who was in a car accident about how he a) lost his memory, b) was paralyzed and c) swallowed, like, 3 pounds of glass.
March 11th, 2006 at 5:37 am
Did anyone else ever find Spike’s accent lapses distracting? I really wish they’d foisted a diction coach on him sometimes. He’s playing this adorable London punk character but every time he has to pronouce anything rhyming with ’saucer’ I’m jarred painfully out of the illusion!
April 15th, 2006 at 8:09 am
I absolutely ADORE Spike! He has been such an interesting and transforming character on the series. He is also very funny and HOT! He sounds better with the accent even though its fake and the bleached hair really looks good on him.
April 15th, 2006 at 9:25 am
I never would have guessed you love Spike i_luv_spike! :)
June 3rd, 2006 at 7:51 pm
You know when Spike gets his soul, he wanted it right? We were just meant to think he wanted the chip out, I’m slightly confused because in The Watcher’s Guide Vol 3 it says he wasn’t expecting the demon to give him his soul back
June 4th, 2006 at 1:24 am
Joss said he’d written a mislead to make us think Spike was asking for his chip out. If you listen carefully to the dialogue in ‘Two to go’:
Demon: You understand, then?
Spike: Yeah, yeah - it’s not like you haven’t been clear about it, oh great mysterious one. This is a test. I don’t get what I want unless I pass said test. That about the size and shape?
Then in ‘Grave’:
Demon: You have endured the required trials.
Spike: Bloody right I have. So, you give me what I want. Make me what I was… so Buffy can get what she deserves.
Demon: Very well. We will return your soul.
It is made clear that a specific contract has been outlined and agreed to, so when he passes the trials he is being given exactly what he asked for… a soul.
June 4th, 2006 at 2:09 pm
That really is a great and shocking moment. I was so expecting him to be all villianous come season seven (while watching him with the big fat obnoxious cave demon), but the shock at the end of ‘Grave’ is so much better.
June 4th, 2006 at 10:50 pm
That’s what I thought. I hate it when books make mistakes, makes me question everything I’ve ever known!