Spike arrives back in Sunnydale with a new girlfriend: Harmony. She was made into a vampire on graduation day. They’re looking for the Gem of Amarrah, which is the vampire version of the Holy Grail. It’s wearer becomes invincible. After a long search, he finds the precious gem, but Buffy gets it away from him and decides to send it to Angel. Meanwhile, Buffy decides to do the dirty deed with Parker, thinking he has great boyfriend potential, but is let down when he turns out to be just another bad guy. No, not a demon but a total sleazeball.
Anya: "I like you. You're funny and you're nicely shaped, and frankly it's ludicrous to have these interlocking bodies and not... interlock."
Behind the Scenes Trivia
Do I have to kill it?
Below is a deleted scene from The Harsh Light of Day:
Willow: “You know what else I love about college? How when the professor comes in, the class gets all quiet.”
Buffy: “Oh, I hate that. I’m always like, what? Did something scary come in? Do I have to kill it?”
Harmony’s back
In this deleted line from The Harsh Light of Day, Devon reveals some vital information about Harmony: “Man, that looked like Harmony. Weird. I saw her get bit at graduation…I didn’t tell you?”
James in season four
James Marsters (Spike) was uncredited in the original airing of The Harsh Light of Day but was later added to the opening credits. This was so not to spoil the surprise of his character’s reappearance.
Parker picks
The following few lines were cut from conversations between Buffy and Parker in The Harsh Light of Day:
Parker: “Wow, I mean, you hear about stuff like that.”
Buffy: “Yeah, well, pool safety, important. Anyway…”
Parker gets slimy:
Parker: “Buffy? When you…drowned, whoever brought you back? They’re getting a big kiss from me.”
Buffy: “Xander will be so happy.”
Parker and Buffy bond:
Buffy: “It doesn’t feel like it. To me, a lot of the time, it feels like stuff’s just coming at me, you know, and I’m reacting as fast as I can, just trying to keep going. Just – just trying to be on my feet before the next thing hits.”
Parker: “That sounds exhausting.”
Buffy: “It really is.”
and finally, Parker drops his bombshell:
Parker: “Okay, I’m a little confused now. I mean, I definitely go the idea you’d done it before. You were the one who was all over me. It was fun.”
Withered demons
The following was a stage direction from the script for The Harsh Light of Day (when Spike and Harmony entered the crypt where the gem of Amarrah was): “There is a dead demon here, withered and decayed and brown and crunchy, arrayed in finery on a carved wooden bier.”
Yet more deletions
The following are all deleted lines from the episode The Harsh Light of Day. The first is after Anya makes her proposal to Xander:
Xander: “This is just, I’d say out of nowhere, but that doesn’t really capture the amount of nowhere which it’s out of.”
Spike, Harmony and Buffy meet at the party:
Buffy: “I think you two should go.”
Spike: “But the fun’s just starting: old friends, lots to drink…” (jiggles the victim).
A line of Xander’s:
Xander: “So…you’re my first guest at Casa del Xander – not the final name, still working on it.”
Buffy and Giles remember Drusilla:
Buffy: “I thought Spike and Dru were a forever kind of deal, didn’t you? Where’s the commitment?”
Giles: “I’m disillusioned. I shall never love again.”
Buffy regrets her night with Parker:
Willow: “Well, from what I understand, pretty much. But it won’t always be like that. You’ve just had some really bad luck.”
Buffy: “I don’t know, Will. Bad luck just happens. I made this happen.”
Willow: “Well, why shouldn’t you, if it’s what you want? I mean, as long as it’s safe. Oh, Buffy, it was safe, wasn’t it?”
Buffy: “It was safe. It’s not that. It’s the whole time, I kept thinking, hey, look at me with someone who isn’t Angel. Look how much I’m no hung up on Angel anymore. Look how this is not all about Angel. God, how come I didn’t see it?”
Cast and Crew Trivia

Adam Kaufman
Adam Kaufman played the slimy Parker Abrams in season four. Adam has also starred in Steven Spielberg’s Taken as Charlie Keys (alongside Julie Benz, who plays Darla). He played Ethan in several episodes of Dawson’s Creek. Adam has appeared in CSI:Miami, Dead Last, Law & Order and Metropolis.
Character Trivia
Katie Loomis
Katie was a student at UC Sunnydale who was chatted up by Parker Abrams after he dumped Buffy in The Harsh Light of Day.

Parker Abrams
Parker was a serial womanizer who charmed Buffy into sleeping with him at UC Sunnydale. He treated Buffy badly, and dumped her as soon as she’d slept with him, managing to make the Slayer believe that she was the one in the wrong (The Harsh Light of Day). Buffy saved Parker from a burning building, then knocked him unconscious with a tree limb (when under the influence of some drugged alcohol in Beer Bad). Parker bragged about his exploits with Buffy to Riley and his friends and Riley punched him, to defend Buffy’s honour (The Initiative).
Parker was played by Adam Kaufman.
Amarrah crossover
At some point between Graduation Day (Part 2) and The Harsh Light of Day, the gang (except for Xander) have found out that Angel was in L.A. Buffy gives the Gem of Amarrah to Oz to take to her ex-boyfriend. We see their adventures in the Angel episode ‘In the Dark‘, which features both Oz and Spike.
Angel the puppy
Angel is referred to as a ‘puppy’ on a couple of occasions. In The Wish, vampire Willow keeps Angel locked in a cage as her plaything, and refers to him as “Puppy”. In The Harsh Light of Day, when Parker asks Buffy about the scars on her neck, she replies that they they were caused by an “angry puppy”. They were actually from when Angel bit her in Graduation Day (Part 2).
Puppies are a recurring theme with Angel - in Bewitched, Bothered And Bewildered, Giles tells Buffy that one Valentine’s Day, Angel nailed a puppy to something (we don’t find out as Buffy stops him before he can finish). In Orpheus, we see that Angel saved a puppy from being killed in early 1920s Chicago.
Angry puppy
In The Harsh Light of Day, Buffy tells Parker that she nearly drowned, referring to Prophecy Girl. Buffy also reveals to Parker that she has a scar from when Angel fed from her in Graduation Day Part Two. She says it was an “angry puppy”.

Big snake
In Graduation Day (Part 2), the Mayor turned into a giant snake-demon. His Ascension is referenced in several future episodes. In The Harsh Light of Day, Harmony and Willow discuss the “big snake” that threatened Sunnydale High in Graduation Day Part Two. It was during the confusion at the end of this episode that Harmony was bitten and turned into a vampire. In Shadow, Buffy says the snake is “big, but not Mayor-big”. In Primeval, Xander says, “Does anyone miss the Mayor? ‘I just wanna be a big snake?’” In Smashed, Amy mentions a “giant snake thing” and “Snyder got eaten by a snake”.
Bitch fight
Anya and Giles’s slap fight over the effigy in Bargaining (Part 1) is similar to Xander’s bitch fight with Harmony in The Harsh Light of Day.
Buffy’s arm
In The Harsh Light of Day, Spike hurts Buffy’s left arm and she cradles it during their fight. It’s the same arm that Sunday injured in The Freshman.
Bye, Devon
Devon (played by Jason Hall) made his final apperarance on Buffy the Vampire Slayer in The Harsh Light of Day. The character was mentioned again in a couple of episodes (Something Blue and New Moon Rising) but never seen again.

Channel 14 News
The Channel 14 News is seen in a few episodes: Consequences (Joyce and Buffy watch the news about Alan Finch’s murder), Goodbye, Iowa (when Adam kills a boy), The Harsh Light of Day (when a road caves in due to Spike’s tunnelling) and Who Are You? (when hostages are held in a church by vampires).

Chaos demons
After leaving Sunnydale in Becoming (Part 2), Spike and Drusilla went to Brazil, which is where she left him for a chaos demon. In Lover’s Walk, Spike claims chaos demons are, “All slime and antlers” - which we discover is literally true when we finally see one in Fool For Love. In The Harsh Light of Day, Harmony mistakenly says Dru left Spike for a fungus demon.
Dragon Inn
Oz wears a red ‘Dragon Inn’ t-shirt in The Harsh Light of Day, which can also be seen in some of his season four promotional photos.
Evil after sex
Buffy wakes up alone after a night of sex for the second time in The Harsh Light of Day. The first was in Innocence, when Angel was busy somewhere else turning into an evil vampire. Buffy later asks if all men she sleeps with will turn evil.
Giles jogs
In The Harsh Light of Day, Giles jogs a lot. When Buffy calls him about Spike and Harmony from the pay phone outside the frat house, he is wearing a jogging suit and is using a towel to wipe his face. Later, if you look closely, when Giles leaves Buffy and Willow’s dorm room after Buffy gets back from Parker’s, you can see Giles stand outside the door, look to the left and then run really fast to the right.
Giles’s shadow-casters
In the episode The Harsh Light of Day, Giles has what appears to be shadow-casters mounted on the wall of his apartment, very similar to those seen in the Slayer “emergency kit” in Get It Done. The shadow-casters can be seen in the apartment throughout season four, but you get a good clear look at them when Anya walks into Giles’s apartment in The Harsh Light of Day.
Good taste
Joyce tells Giles he has good music albums when she’s looking through them in Band Candy. This is also noted by Oz and Xander in the episode The Harsh Light of Day.
Has he learnt nothing?
When Anya knocks on his door in The Harsh Light of Day, Xander just says “come in”. This isn’t too bright considering she could have been a vampire.
Music Trivia

Bif Naked
Singer Bif Naked performs ‘Moment of Weakness’ and ‘Anything’ at the campus party in The Harsh Light of Day, where Buffy runs into Spike and Harmony. Her song ‘Lucky’ plays as Buffy and Parker dance.
Devil Doll
The Devil Doll song ‘Faith in Love’ played in the episode The Harsh Light of Day as Harmony tempted Spike into bed. Oz looks at a campus board which advertises the band in the episode New Moon Rising. In Help, we see that the locker to the left of Dawn’s has a Devil Doll sticker on the door.
In the episode The Harsh Light of Day, the song that plays while we watch both Buffy worrying about Parker not calling her back after sleeping with her, and Spike digging underground looking for the Gem of Amara, is called “It’s Over, It’s Under” by Dollshead. The lyrics to the part of the song that we hear in the episode are: “Water turns to sand and turns to sound; Follow me I’m going underground; This orbit is an interlude; Temporary, planetary food; Lend me your fire, so I can burn; Save all my ashes for my return; Not with a scream but with a sigh.”

Four Star Mary
The music for Oz’s band Dingoes Ate My Baby was provided by real-life band Four Star Mary. James Marsters has performed with them on stage (off screen) a few times. The band themselves appeared in the season four finale Restless, as the band who play with Giles during the Exposition Song.
Four Star Mary songs can be heard in the following Buffy episodes:
- Inca Mummy Girl - The songs ‘Shadows’ and ‘Fate’ at the Cultural party in The Bronze.
- Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered - ‘Pain’ is heard in The Bronze.
- Dead Man’s Party - The Dingoes mime to ‘Pain’, ‘Nevermind’ and ‘Sway’ at Buffy’s party.
- Homecoming - we hear the song ‘She Knows’ at the Homecoming Dance - it’s the song Oz wrote for Willow.
- Living Conditions - ‘Pain is heard when Buffy and Willow move into their dorm room.
- Band Candy - the Dingoes mime onstage at The Bronze to ‘Violent’, when the adults are acting weirdly.
- Revelations - Dingoes Ate My Baby perform ‘Run’ in The Bronze at the start of the episode.
- The Harsh Light of Day - ‘Dilate’ is played at the Bronze at the start of the episode.
- The Initiative - Riley gets the song ‘Fate’ turned off at the party as it upsets Willow.
Psychic Rain
Psychic Rain’s Take Me Down” (from the album Spun Out) plays in The Harsh Light of Day as Parker offers to walk Buffy back to her dorm.
Mythology Trivia
Gem of Amarrah
The Gem of Amarrah was a legend amongst vampires. The Gem rendered the vampire who wore it invincible. Vampires combed the world for the Gem, but none found it and it was concluded that the Gem must be a myth, not unlike the Holy Grail. In The Harsh Light of Day, Spike discovered the Gem in a ring sealed in an underground crypt in Sunnydale. After Buffy got the ring from Spike she entrusted it to Oz to deliver to Angel, who destroyed it as he was worried it might get into the wrong hands.
In Heartthrob, after an invincible vampire attacks Angel and Cordelia, Cordy asks Angel if, “the Amarrah people [made] cufflinks or belt buckles?”

Antonio Banderas
Harmony asks in The Harsh Light of Day, “Is Antonio Banderas a vampire?” Actor Banderas played a vampire in the 1994 movie Interview With The Vampire, which also starred Tom Cruise. In the film Banderas played Armand, a 400 year-old vampire who ran a theatre, where the vampire killings were passed off as stage illusions. Spike also mentions Banderas’s wife Melanie Griffith.

Holy Grail
The Holy Grail is supposedly the cup from which Christ drank at the Last Supper. It is considered to be extremely powerful and many quests took place to try and find it. The Grail is alluded to twice in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. In The Harsh Light of Day, Giles said the Gem of Amarrah is the “vampire equivalent of the Holy Grail.” In End of Days, Spike called the Slayer scythe the “Holy Grail or the holy hand grenade or whatever the hell that is.” The “holy hand grenade” is what the knights throw at the killer rabbit in the movie Monty Python’s Holy Grail.

The Gap
In Chosen, Xander says after Sunnydale has been destroyed, “All those shops, gone. The Gap, Starbucks, Toy ‘R’ Us… who will remember all those landmarks unless we tell the world of them?”
In The Harsh Light of Day, the greek letters on the outside of Wolf House (the frat house where Buffy and Parker attend a party) spell ‘GAP’, which could be a (very vague!) reference to The Gap!
Velvet Underground
The album that Oz holds up at Giles’ house in The Harsh Light of Day is ‘Loaded’, the Velvet Underground’s 1970 album.
Seen at 13.55 minutes:
When Harmony tells Buffy that Dru left Spike for a fungus demon, her hair is behind her shoulders, but in the next shot, some of it is in front of her left shoulder.
Seen at 31.24 minutes:
Spike rips off the necklace and tosses it aside, but a moment later it’s back around his neck. When he leaves the crypt, it’s gone again.
Seen at 38.01 minutes:
Spike throws Xander against a lamp and he lands on the grass. You can later see Xander’s legs sticking out on the pavement as though he landed there and not on the grass.
Parker: "You have a scar."
Buffy: "Right, um... angry puppy."
Xander: "I don't get your crazy system."
Giles: "System? It's called the alphabet."
Anya: "I think it's the secret to getting you out of my mind. Putting you behind me. Behind me figuratively - I'm thinking face to face for the event itself."
Anya: "I like you. You're funny and you're nicely shaped, and frankly it's ludicrous to have these interlocking bodies and not... interlock."
Parker: "You think I could get a dance with the prettiest girl at the party?"
Buffy: "And what will I do? Just stand here and watch?"
Harmony: "You love that tunnel more than me."
Spike: "I love syphilis more than you."
Oz (to Giles): "OK, either I'm borrowing all your records or I'm moving in."
Spike: "What a fantastic day. Birds singin', squirrels makin' lots of rotten little squirrels, the sun beaming down in a nice non-fatal way."
Spike: "Oh yeah, the Gem of Amarrah. Official sponsor of my killing you."
Harmony: "Being a vampire sucks."
Buffy: "So what I'm wondering is: does this always happen? Sleep with a guy and he goes all evil?"
Willow: "I'm your friend. I would call you repulsive in a second."
Willow: "I think you're missing something about the whole poophead principle."