
Have a confrontation

When Faith in Buffy’s body flirts with Spike in Who Are You?, Spike says to her (believing her to be Buffy), “When I get rid of this chip me and you are gonna have a confrontation”. In a little bit of continuity, in season seven’s Touched, after his chip is …

[Hits: 242] [Suggested by xHelloxCutiex] [Comments: 0]
Sad overalls

There seems to be a continuing theme that Buffy wears dungarees (overalls) when she’s sad. She wears them in Ted after she thinks she killed Ted; in Becoming (Part 2) before boarding the bus to run away; in Helpless when arriving, sans her power, to save her mother; and in …

[Hits: 430] [Suggested by lydston] [Comments: 5]
Football Game

In Some Assembly Required, we see our first (and last) Sunnydale High football game. By the time this episode airs, it is supposed to be the second week of school or so which is pretty early for a football game. Maybe it is different in Sunnydale but football doesn’t usually …

[Hits: 206] [Suggested by Abby M.] [Comments: 1]
[2.19-39.01] Ending kiss

In I Only Have Eyes For You, Angel stops Buffy raising the gun to her head and the two kiss. We see the souls of Grace and James leaving them in a long shot and then the kiss ends. In the close up shot of Buffy and Angel, we …

[Hits: 314] [Suggested by Abby M.] [Comments: 0]
[3.17-21.35] Bottle-o-blood

Just before Angel ‘loses’ his soul, we see Faith walk into Angel’s mansion. She clearly has nothing in her hands but later throws a bottle of blood on Angel in order to start the soul-stripping ritual. Where did she hide the blood?

[Hits: 223] [Suggested by emlem25] [Comments: 0]
[4.12-05.03] Stolen radio

In A New Man, whilst packing to leave Xander’s basement, Spike steals Xander’s radio with his left hand. There is then a cut to another angle and he’s suddenly holding it with his right hand.

[Hits: 227] [Suggested by Mullsen] [Comments: 1]

In Help, Dawn says, “Guys, I’m telling you, I’m liking Mike Helgenberg for the perp. Let’s collar him before he lawyers up.” This is a reference to the cop drama NYPD Blue in which expressions like “collar him” and “lawyer up” are commonplace. Dawn is clearly a fan …

[Hits: 307] [Suggested by agentdalecooper] [Comments: 0]
Lunar month error

Buffy speaks of a lunar month as being 31 days when actually it’s only 28 days.

Buffy: “It doesn’t bother you that a werewolf is a person 28 days out of a month?”
Caine: “That’s why I only hunt them the other three”

[Hits: 267] [Suggested by Rozzi] [Comments: 3]
Previously goof

In the recap of recent events at the beginning of this episode we see a shot from Buffy’s dream from the previous epside Surprise. In this dream Buffy sees Drusilla kill Angel by staking him from behind, in the recap Drusilla is seen holding a knife to Angels throat. WRONG …

[Hits: 313] [Suggested by Rozzi] [Comments: 4]
Giles’s shadow-casters

In the episode The Harsh Light of Day, Giles has what appears to be shadow-casters mounted on the wall of his apartment, very similar to those seen in the Slayer “emergency kit” in Get It Done. The shadow-casters can be seen in the apartment throughout season four, but you get …

[Hits: 404] [Suggested by Puja] [Comments: 4]
[3.06-29.33] Spelling error

In Band Candy, when the Scoobies are researching in the library, Xander hands Willow an old book and the two have a little “moment” together. If you look at the book, you can see that it is entitled ‘Demon Dimention’. Is that really how you spelled dimension in the old …

[Hits: 254] [Suggested by Mullsen] [Comments: 0]

In Nightmares we see that Xander has a fear of clowns (who doesn’t?!). This is probably based on Steven King’s 1986 book It. It was made into a movie in 1991 which featured Seth Green (Oz) who played the character of 12 year old Richie Tozier. Richie’s worst fear just …

[Hits: 457] [Suggested by Skuhm] [Comments: 9]
Notable absence?

In When She Was Bad, around 23:34 minutes, the captured Cordelia finds Miss Calendar. This takes place at night. So why does nobody notice both of them are missing the next day at school? Surely Giles would’ve known about Jenny’s abscence, at the very least?

[Hits: 276] [Suggested by Magic Malcolm] [Comments: 8]
Cordy and Oz
Ditch fear

In Dead Man’s Party, Joyce says to Buffy, “You can’t imagine months of not knowing. Not knowing whether you’re lying dead in a ditch somewhere or, I don’t know, living it up…” Later, in Wrecked, Dawn says, “What if they’re all in a ditch somewhere? Ditches are bad. Mom always …

[Hits: 221] [Suggested by lydston] [Comments: 0]
Spike the poser

In Giles’s dream in Restless, he sees Spike having his picture taken in different intimidating poses. In Storyteller, when Andrew is recording Spike for his documentary, Spike is seen being filmed (”Sod off before I rip your throat out and eat it”), and is willing to repeat the recording …

[Hits: 607] [Suggested by Jess] [Comments: 2]
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